So my mother thinks that I'm a drug dealer, lol. I've been hauling online and everything came the same day..... I explained to her that most people don't do drug deals via USPS.... I got my 1st NYX order!!!!!

Got me some Faux Lash Mascara! I like it! I'm very snobby about mascara and I like this one. My L'oreal Voluminous is still my HG mascara but me and Katie B. are getting closer.No this swag isn't all for me...... So it doesn't really count as "hauling" it's "good doing"...... Then Ms. Katie B. came a knocking at my door!!!

I also got a Shadow Burst Pigment in Your Hiness Blue.. I haven't been playing with blues lately so. I'm all about pinks, purples, & neutrals so I have to start playing with color more! Explore new options.
I'm going to do somes looks and swatches later. I have soo much new stuff to play with. I'm really not getting anymore until my B-day which is APRIL 5th (hint, hint)......
I'm getting my "hair did" on Saturday & I'm soo excited!!! I look a hott mess & I left these extensions in way to long so it's going to be a project taking them down. I'm going to mix it with the Halley's Curls hair that I'm wearing now b/c I don't think I ordered enough. I really want to dye it a lighter shade of brown but I'm sooo scurred.... I can't afford to mess up my investment. I got a new clousure I'm going to see my favorite weaveolgist Lia @ Hair It Is Salon, I'm going to try to photograph/record the process for y'all. I love Lia. Her prices are great! $150 for a full weave and she only books one person at a time and she CONFIRMS the appt. So there's no waiting or other people eyeing my transformation. e just got back from a hair show in Atlanta & she's up to date on whats new. My project-chic weaveologist wont touch virgin hair and has all kind of shady people in & out her apartment... Last time I was there I met a real life prostitute!!! (She calls herself a "trick"). She was really nice except she didn't have any panties on and she was wearing booty shorts and I don't like looking at someone elses "va-jay-jay" while I'm having my hair done. She also likes to spray Oil Sheen all over the hair and use dollar store beauty supplies on my head and I don't like hauling hair care products around. Just my personal preference. That's what you get for $30... Times are hard though, so at least I have a contact in the "trickin" world. I don't want a pimp though. I'm an independent contractor.....