Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Sally's Haulin' AGAIN!, Celluar ADD & BB Cream For Brown Girls........

Hi, y'all! It's been a minute... Only a few days, but I've been keeping up with all you BEAUTIES on AIM, Twitter, Poupee Girl, Facebook, E-mail, Telegraph & Morse Code! Ok, not telegraph or morse code :) I went on a date with the bf last night! I haven't seen him in like 2 weeks. I was away for my Uncles funeral and then he went Winter Camping for 5 days! Don't give him props for being hardcore for winter camping. It's him and 20 other dudes that camp like 15 mins. from their houses and drink beer for 5 days straight. I think the bf goes home and showers and poops, hehe...
We went to Ruby Tuesdays (love their salad bar) and saw Notorious! Yeah, I saw it already w/ myself but I didn't tell him so I pretended like I never saw it. I'm such a good girl. Ohh crap I mentioned my bf, I hope that I didn't offended anyone! I mentioned makeup too......... lol

I did a little hauling today...... I went to Sally's to check on a China Glaze color (Martini Lunch) for Vanessa . They didn't have it, ewww. I even made the girl check in the back and she caught a 'tude with me and I was like well I really need it for my friend b/c she wants it ohh soo bad...Then I remembered that I had some coupons hiding in my purse and I picked up a few things.....
Helen of Troy 2'' Gold-Plated Curling Iron ~ $29.99 (I had $3 off coupon). I've been wanting a big ass jumbo curling iron for a while. They are great for "bumping" your ends and flipping & styling layers.
Studex Earrings ~ $4.99, $4.99 & $2.69 (I had a buy 2 get 1 free coupon). I NEVER wear earrings b/c I'm allergic to cheap sh!t, well sorta I'm allergic to nickel so I can only wear nickel free, real sterling or the kind they pierce your ears w/ and since I'm probably not getting any earrings from Tiffany & Co. anytime soon I'm going to wear these. I don't even know if my holes (eww that sounds nasty) are still open, but since these are the kind you pierce with they are a little sharp on the ends. I got three pairs each one a little smaller then the next in "diamond".

InvisiBand Lashes ~ Beauties in the Black for V-day

China Glaze ~ ($1 off coupon on the display) Yeah, I bought another color and forgot the name but it's color #708. It's so lame that the names aren't on the bottles only the store display.

Nina Ultra Pro ~ Opal Elegance (clear w/ sparkles)

Ok, so that's not that bad..... I did a really BAD thing today..... I'm just gonna tell y'all, and we'll keep it between us blogger sisters, k. I BOUGHT a new phone........... I'm a technology dork... My daddy had my brown behind on computers since I was 3..... I have issues with phones. That "new every two" crap doesn't work for me. I was so over the Voyager (got it last Feb.) that I just "had to have last year". I get celluar ADD around the one year mark. I've been itching for a Blackberry Storm. So I went to Verizon today to see what VZ could do for me. Turns out that you can upgrade your phone after 1year and get the phone for the sale price for a $20 fee.
This is my 1st Blackberry!!! I don't have like a real 9-5 job, but I need a Blackberry. I need access to all 4 of my email accts. w/o having to log-in and crap. I need quicker access to Facebook, MySpace, I need Twitterberry! I can actually write this off as a school expenese because I can log on to school from the Blackberry and participate in class discuession threads... (I can justify any expense.......) I do need to make my BB Storm a little more kawaii, the pink case is kinda NEON!!! eww, but I needed a case b/c I'm not trying to jack up my investment! Verizon didn't have Hello Kitty Cases but that's what Amazon & Ebay are for! It's a different learning cuvre... The Voyager had a touch screen so I thought I knew it all! We'll I don't. I'll get the hang of it in a day or two. I got all my apps set up and e-mail. The pictures are so much better then the pics from my Voyager. I ♥ this phone/device! Vanessa popped my 1st BB email cherry today!!! When I had to break the news that Sally's is whack and didn't have her Martini Lunch. >_< style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">tease or anything but look at what I got!!!! BB Cream!!!! So Operation BB Cream for Brown Girls is in the works and I've got the stuff on lock! I love it. My plan is to add a darker shade of foundation to it, but until I can find a MATCHING shade for my mocha skin, I've been using it as a base then putting on my MAC Studio Fix NW50 Powder and that's fine. It doesn't make my look white or porcelain. If anyone is wondering where I ordered it from I took Ms. Kim Tia's advice and ordered from Japanese Product Lover on Ebay

That's w/ flash, it came out a little funky, the shade is darker in real life....

Ohhhh, I got a JOB!! Well it's a temp job, but I'm going to be a nanny for a Dr. friend my mom knows. Her nanny is going to India for a month and I'm filling in!!!! I also have some freelance marketing/pr & event planning stuff hopefully coming up soon. I'm like Ne-Yo said..... Miss Independant that's why Ne-Yo loves Kendall.... Well when I hear the song that's how I hear it, I don't know what verison y'all have...

11 ♥Say Something♥:

Anonymous said...

Ah! I have been wanting that same exact Helen of Troy (but the 1 12 inch) for a while! I used my friends and loved it. It's truly a great curler! Will be buying one , one of these days! lol

Where did you find that $3 coupon?

And BIG YAY for ur BB cream!!!!

AskMeWhats said...

Congratulations on your new job!! :) So excited for you. Love your hauls, I've been lemming for Babybliis/Helen of Troy/CHI 1 1/2 inch curling iron for the longest time, I find its super cheaper there in the States but shipping is more expensive than the product itself...can't wait to see your FOTD with Le'gere :D

Mona said...

puhahahahhahha ! i love the neyo comment. he's such a cutieee!

yay for the jobbbb!

i can't wait to see this bb cream on you, :D

BeautyJunkie said...

God damn girl..everyones and their mamas getting BB cream and now you too!! lol
sorry girl..I dont really use AIM..I do have one..I have ADD! I cant sit still in front of computer and chat lol..
this is mine
glavinagal uhmm predictable, no?

XPPINKXX said...

Hey dollface

Yayy for the blackberry!!! I SWEAR YOUR GUNNA GO are you liking the legere...bastards they need to make darker not fair i know...i;ll be passing bt CT tommarow im going to NYC...whoooooooooo hooooooooo

i'll shout out HI KENDALLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!! hahaha



XPPINKXX said...



and btw your comment had me dying!!!

if i hold me bf he think im gunna feed his ass too until he pulls on my shit and out flops a nude looking cutlet...pauahahaha

for people who think big honkies are chicks who are floozies...i'll take my boob and smash there face!!!

your GORGE GIRL!!...and yeah say hi to your double DDDDDDDDDD's for me...

KillaCamilla said...

i wanna try some of that BB stuff too! don't worry, i'm somewhat of a phone slut too. I need a new one often!

Eclecticldy said...

i got my first bb cream a few weeks ago. after doing much research on darker creams, i found Missha Watery BB Cream. I am a NC42and use a little powder on top so it doesn't look white. been really pleased so far.

Bombchell said...

Congrats on the J.O.B. i need one, though im a mark kay consultant, I kinda suck right now lol

Devi Girsang, MD said...

Congrats for the job and the new blackberry! No wonder you keep hauling plenty things! :D

J said...

glad the BB cream works for ya!!!! :)