Middle- Mineralize Skinfinish in Gold Deposit
Paint Pot- Groundwork
Can y'all believe that that's my first Paint Pot? Seriously, I've been messing with MAC products for a long ass time, and thats my first Paint Pot..... Damn shame!
On Beige Paper

That was my "date night" look. I went to the movies w/ my 3 BFF's Me, Myself & I!!! When you take yourself on a date you have to look good, right! We saw "He's Not That Into You". It was a good movie I give it 4/5 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥. Everything they said in the movie is totally true! I had a few "AMEN" moments and a few light bulbs went off in my head. It's not a chick flick either, I think guys would enjoy it also.
Well I'm out for now, I'm watching the Grammy's, researching math stuff, Twittering, and getting ribbons for my Poupee Girl! Are y'all proud of me she's wearing pants now!
Oh, I found a really cute website from (I can't remember whose blog I saw it on, sorry). But it's really cute, I mean kawaii!!! You can get all kinds of knick-knacks and straps/charms for your cell and camera! Strapya World. Since I wont be going to NY as much (I used to go to visit Mommy Cat, my Grandmother) as I used to I can finally import fun cute stuff to my front door. There was a Beauty Supply Store right near her apartment that sold cell charms, camera straps, Hello Kitty stuff, makeup, wigs & weaves! All in one store, ahhh I miss NY! (I don't mess with Beauty Supply Store weave hair no more after I "jumped the broom to remy hair)"!
It's a chopstick training toy!!! I'm really bad w/ chopsticks and I get embarrassed b/c my friends are always showing off when we go to a Japanese or Chinese restarant. I had something similar when I was little that my Mom got for my in Chinatown in NYC. It also includes a booklet with proper ettiqute.
They also have a ton of Hello Kitty stuff and candies!!!
That was my "date night" look. I went to the movies w/ my 3 BFF's Me, Myself & I!!! When you take yourself on a date you have to look good, right! We saw "He's Not That Into You". It was a good movie I give it 4/5 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥. Everything they said in the movie is totally true! I had a few "AMEN" moments and a few light bulbs went off in my head. It's not a chick flick either, I think guys would enjoy it also.
Well I'm out for now, I'm watching the Grammy's, researching math stuff, Twittering, and getting ribbons for my Poupee Girl! Are y'all proud of me she's wearing pants now!
Oh, I found a really cute website from (I can't remember whose blog I saw it on, sorry). But it's really cute, I mean kawaii!!! You can get all kinds of knick-knacks and straps/charms for your cell and camera! Strapya World. Since I wont be going to NY as much (I used to go to visit Mommy Cat, my Grandmother) as I used to I can finally import fun cute stuff to my front door. There was a Beauty Supply Store right near her apartment that sold cell charms, camera straps, Hello Kitty stuff, makeup, wigs & weaves! All in one store, ahhh I miss NY! (I don't mess with Beauty Supply Store weave hair no more after I "jumped the broom to remy hair)"!

They also have a ton of Hello Kitty stuff and candies!!!
I'm thinking about getting a Happy Meal for dinner, so I can get another Hello Kitty Watch! :)
9 ♥Say Something♥:
Hey girl, lemme know what you think about ground work :)
omg ur poupee girl looks just like u! lol i like it!
u look pretty! I like the purple!
A friend at the MAC counter?! Ahh lucky you!!
Gold Deposit is pretty, I was so close to getting it back in December. =)
Whatcha plan on getting from HK?
Yes! You should totally get another Happy Meal HK watch! =P
Wow your first paintpot :) Do you know that I never own a FULL SIZED paintpot? I ordered samples on them and gosh it dries up easily. so be careful with it! My friend's full sized paintpot on MAC's glass jars, still dried up on her!
hey girlie! you make me want to go get a happy meal! you're gonna make me cheat on my diet! lol. anything for hello kitty though :)
Hi Kendall! This is my first time visit to your blog and definitely will stop by for more! :)
Nice hauls you got there! The MSF Gold Deposit has been on my wishlist for God knows how long, LOL. Let me know if it's really worth it! :D
god your gorgeous!! <3
i need to go see that movie!
I like your banner, it's very pretty. I don't know why I didn't link you :P I will right now,
About testers, I don't contact nobody :P
I usually search on internet or oh you can look up on ebay too.
I got my Petits et mamans from this website, I will link the tester they are selling.
Aren't I nice ? :P
I hope it helps !!
omg lemme know how you like your paint pot!
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