Fellow Beauty Bloggers forgive me for I have HAULED!!

Don't all spank me at once :) So Saturday I went to NYC drank a lot came home on the Drunk Train (the last train from NYC back to CT), got home a 4am, still slightly intoxicated & not tired. So I did some Blogroll reading, went on Twitter then stumbled over to
Mrs. Kalila's blog.... She's having a
-> sale <-.... I clicked on some stuff... Mrs. Kalila must know my twittering drunk ass very well because she emailed me the next morning to make sure I "meant it". Hell yeah I did!!! So since I'm honest here's what I got!!! P.S. I ♥ it when you call me
drunkie! ;)
So I got home from "work" today and I realize that there's no mail :(, then I remember that my Dad keeps it in his room/office to "better facilitate conversation with his daughter".... Which is lame because I only go in there when I'm expecting a package, you can keep my bills pops!
So I open the box with my Hello Kitty box cutter because that's how I open sh!t.. Don't F with me cause I got one in my purse too!
I so opened the box and saw the palette, opened it, made ♥ to it!
MAC 15x Eyeshadow Palette
I can't have an empty palette that would just be silly so I requested these!
Then I realized that there was MORE..... I was confused. I only ordered the Palette and the 6 shadows! I thought that maybe she mixed up the orders. Maybe I should of read the lovely note 1st (it blended in with the packing peanuts)

I ♥ handwritten notes & cards! I'm keeping this card in my "life box".. I keep special things & mementos in a pretty box that I call my "life box".
Everything was wrapped in sexy delicate red tissue paper ♥
OMFG! COCO Mademoiselle CHANEL PARIS Body Lotion! That's my 1st "mature girl" Body Lotion. I ♥ it! I was afraid to open it even though the note said it was for ME!.... Well I did open it and I've been sniffing my arm for hours....................... Smells
Kalila even gave me a Biore Nose Strip! How'd she know about the funk on my nose????? The she did it again... I open the last wrapped item...............

Lashes!!! I don't know what brand they are but I don't care!!! My 1st pair of lashes from the Far East!!!!! I'm SO EXCITED & I JUST CAN'T HIDE IT, I KNOW, I KNOW, I KNOW, I KNOW I ♥ them!!!
Even though I'm not a no-hauling challenge let me try to "
justify", because I know being drunk and buying sh!t isn't an excuse.
1- I wanted to support another BB (Beauty Blogger)
Mrs. Kalila who I have stimulating converstations with on Twitter, & AIM :)
2- I don't have any MAC Palettes! I've always wanted one, and I'm not a MAC Pro card holder
so this was my only chance.
3- I loved all the colors and I don't have them yet except for Pink Venus (but my Pink Venus is
87% empty)
Kalila THANK YOU SO MUCH!! The extras you included really touched my little ♥! Not becasue they were "beauty items", but because you thought about little ol' Kendall on the East Coast! It really meant a lot!! You just never know how a kind act will put a smile on someones face.. (I need a tissue, sniff, sniff).....
Just so you know... I'm gonna get you back! It's gonna be a random KENDALL ♥ PACK!!
P.S. Can I come to Cali & I live with you? Are you looking to adpot a 27 yr old Brown Child :(
Brown Children are all the rage now!!