Hi Y'all, I got TAGGED ... By the ever Crazy, Sexy, Cooool.... MAI....
• What is your current obsession? My face, I'm always staring at my pores looking at my face, checking for wrinkles and signs of age...
• What is your weirdest obsession? Body odors.. I'm afraid of smelling bad.. I'm always sniffing my pits and making sure I'm fresh & clean....
• What are you wearing today? Maroon tank top from Victoria's Secret, and random gray booty shorts with a roller skate on them from Target (think they were last years $4.99 July 4th special). I'm in study mode so I'm dressed all janky so I can't leave my house. Like I look ragged, I wouldn't even go get the mail.... Hair and makeup are good though :)
• What’s for dinner today? I don't know, ask my Momma, oh wait, it’s gonna be something with chicken because she called all in a panic because she thought she left the chicken out on the counter, that’s all I can tell you for now…..
• What would make today special? All my papers and school work to be finished....
• What would you like to learn to do? Crochet >_< I have no patience to make nice things….. I'm a chronic craft quitter..
• What’s the last thing you bought? China Glaze Nail polish (Rich & Famous), and leave in conditioner..
• What are you listening to right now? Silence random house sounds
• What is your favourite weather? Spring & Summer.
• What do you think about the person who tagged you? Mai is a bad ass strong bitch!! She doesn’t take any bitchassness so she’s cool in my book!
• If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you like it to be? CALI-FORN-I-A!! HERE I COMEEEEEEEEE
• What would you like to have in your hands right now? A diploma and a fat paycheck…
• What would you like to get rid of? My tummy! Bills, The excess boobage on my left boobie....
• If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go? Paris.
• Which language do you want to learn? I can speak Spanish but I’d like to master the language and learn to speak it properly like to use in a business setting not en el calle...
• What do you look for in a friend? Honesty, Randomness, sense of humor...
• Who do you want to meet in person? Britney Spears, I’d ask her what really went down with her crazy ass!
• What’s your favourite type of music? I listen to everything!! R&B, Hip-Hop, Salsa, Meringue, Pop, Broadway Soundtracks, 7 Disney soundtracks from back in the day.
• What is your favourite piece of clothing you own? None really, my fierce fashion sense is all lad out in my head. My daily threads are nothing to write home about.
• What is your dream job? A PR/Marketing GurU & or a model, stripper, cage dancer....
• Any favourite models? Not really at the moment the days of the "SUPERMODEL are over :(
• If you had £100 now what would you spend it on? What's that in USD? Don't they use Euro's now? I'd probably buy some random Hello Kitty stuff...
• Favourite designer? Christian Louboutin, his shoes are art!
• Fashion pet peeve? CAMEL TOES.... How do you say to someone "umm excuse me, but are you aware that your vagina is showing?"......
• Do you admire anyone’s style? I really don't know to be honest.
• Describe your personal style. Casual & Comfy. Sometimes I like to get glammed up and go all out.
Okay, here's the rules:
1. Respond and rework: answer the questions on your blog, replace one question that you dislike with a question of your own invention, add one more question of your own.
2. Tag eight other people.