Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Freakin' Valentine's Day!

 Happy Freakin' Valentine's Day!!!

Hi y'all!!! I promise I'm not going to turn into physco doggie mommy blogger... Besides job-hunting she's pretty much gets most of my attention... If I don't give it to her she acts a straight up fool... An attention whore... Wonder where she got that from. She's not into makeup yet. She's obsessed with getting brushed and playing with her brush... Wonder where she got that from...
She's two months old now!!! I took her with me on all of my errands the other day... I hate the carrier that I have for her.  I found a "springy" looking cute carrier at PetCo on clearance, whoot!!! But Ms. Houdini here figured out how to ESCAPE!!! So it had to be returned.

It's not cute all all but it's safe it has seatbelts loops with helps her not fall out of the seat with my crazy driving, roomy & comfy for her and has lots of pockets to stash treats, leashes, clickers...

It's a Bergan Comfort Pet Carrier.  I was eyeballing it at PetSmart in Pink or Raspberry but it retailed for $40 for the small size.....  I ended up getting what I thought was a 'generic' pet carrier at Wal-Mart in black and bigger in size for $19.99... Turns out it was the same carrier!!! The brand and tags were exactly the same.  Also this carrier is approved for in flight use in case I decided to bring her home with me. So I'm glad that I didn't get the cute pink smaller one for $40!

It snowed in ATL on Friday. Which caused mass hysteria and all kinds of pointless phuckery.....  Chloe got to see snow for the first time... At first she was scared of it.. Then annoyed b/c she thought she couldn't "potty on it'. Then she realized that she could eat it and it was like water....

By Saturday she was obsessed with it. Thankfully it's all pretty much melted now..
She can be FUSTRATING AS HELL... It's hard to be "on" 24/7, and that's what she expects... I just wish that my cousin would help out with her training and play with her more... She brought her home & she's with me 90% of the time and when I leave she gets all upset.... I'm learning all I can online... The last time I had a puppy I was 6....

I'll be back with some makeup related posts soon... Pinky Swear!! I'm in a rut right now.....

 Love Y'all!
   Mean It

4 ♥Say Something♥:

Kizzy-online said...

She's so cute!

It does sound like a lot of 'work' though! Not sure if I could handle it... lol

Unknown said...

well, if you do become a psycho doggie mommy blogger, welcome to the club!

Fabulously Thrifty said...

Too friggin cuuuute! I love how much my dog loves the snow..I never have to shovel the stairs, he just eats his way down lol

Samantha Dietz said...

How cute!! Love the puppy!!