So I have a product review & a random FOTN for you guys.....
LUSH's SILKY UNDERWEAR POWDER... Since it's summer I've been looking for a body powder that I liked a little better than baby power....... I heard about Lush's line of powders and picked Silky Underwear... They carry a few in store I had my eye & nose on a vanilla one that smelled really good but it had glitter or some shimmer crap in it and I'm grown... There's a time and place for shimmer one grown people.... They had another one but I can't remember the name it smelled a little to "hippie-ish" for my taste...
- Very fine, absorbs into skin nicely
- Doesn't leave a chalky white residue if you use it under your boobs (powder wont show on your black bra! & no white residue on your body)
- Lasts through the day
- Talc Free (there's a debate brewing about talc, so if your anti-talc this is an alternative)
- Smells nice & fresh, smell isn't too strong or overbearing..
- Cocoa Butter "bits" melt into your skin (its not bumpy or lumpy they blend right in)
- Packaging - the holes are really big and I feel like I waste a lot of product...
- Packaging- I can dispense some product with it "closed"If the product falls or gets knocked over power will come out (not a lot) if you knock it over open your SCREWED & annoyed!!!!
- Price $11.00 for 3.5oz kinda pricey if your used to buying regular powder at Wal-Mart for like $3
- Expires in 1 yr (not a big deal to me)
- I really wanted to take some on my trip but I couldn't figure out how to pack it, and the whole container would of been messy and I was afraid to put it in a baggie b/c I didn't want it to look like cocaine.... :(
I HATE GOING TO THE LUSH STORE!!!! The sales people are so "all up in your face", they don't back off and they roll in packs and don't give you any privacy or "thinking time".... I like LUSH products and I was soo excited when they opened a store in my mall! Maybe I'm stank but I need space when I shop, if I need help I'll ask...I can sniff power and read labels by myself, I'm a big girl. Pushiness is such a turn off, but I don't blame the sales associates I blame the LUSH Store Training Manual or whatever they teach them at LUSH school...... rant over....
Overall Score : 5/5 ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
FOTN - I know I said I wouldn't post anymore purple looks...Purple is my crack..... This is a look I did a while back when I went to Mohegan Sun.... The lamest casino in the world.... Takes forever to get a drink, you can only have one little drink in your hand at a time (I was holding my friends while she was fixing her shoe drink and I got in trouble).... The shops close early and I really wanted to go shopping :( Oh and they have last call!!! I'm used to Vegas, I guess.....

Ok, enough ranting about lame casinos, I'm out!!!!
15 ♥Say Something♥:
I remember you telling me about this! I want it! Us DD boobie girls need it! :)
haha try explaining to airport security that the white powder is your silky underwear.
I need my space too when I shop. Last time I wen tot Lush this guy was all in my face but at the same time he was no help whatsoever. Basically telling me things off the label. sigh.
great review...girl I so hear u..that is the one thing I hate about shopping at the mall...the freaking sales people always asking if I need u said if I needed help I would ask... I thought I was the only one who felt this way!! lol!!
very cute EOTN!! :) That silk underwear seems so nice!! :D I only went to lush store twice and thank goodness they weren't like that :)
i remember someone else mentioned this powder and they liked it too - might have to check it out the next time i pass by lush! the salespeople generally leave me alone when i go in there, but i tend to have that "stay away from me" vibe because it takes me a while to remember that i'm wearing headphones =P
lolllll silky underwear the title to your post is the first reason I clicked! haahhahaah <3 you
Haha. That would had been difficult to explain to security, that it's actually your silky underwear ;) That would be a total FML moment. Eeek!
And I agree, when I went to Japan's Lush ... the first time, ever for me; they were quite pushy! And I just wanted to smell it, by myself and such. But I guess, it's a part of their training huh? lol.
ooo i had no idea they made powder@
ps love the purple hubba hubba
Hey there sexy woman in purple!! :)
HAHA!! Cocaine in you case! LOL! Tell them bring on the little beagles!! They can sniff up cornstarch and cocoa butter! LOL!!
Lush rolls in packs?! Dang girl... not down here, they ask if you need help, but if you say no, they mind their biz! LOL!
I love silky underwear too :)
i wish i could pull off brighter purples like you can :)
Aww your Lush store must suck...'cause the ones I go to, the sales associates are very nice! They make me feel like I could stay in there for an hour and just chill, if I wanted to! haha They're really patient and if I decline help, they just let me be and look around.
I didn't even realize Lush had powder, hehe, that sounds like a nice product! You just need to find a container with a smaller sifter it seems...
Purple really is your crack! But it looks good on you, so who can blame you. =P
Oooh, I want to try that powder, it sounds nice. I wonder if I can order it online.
Great review .. Thank you Kendall =)
I want such a store here in my city!
I agree with Diana :
"Purple really is your crack! But it looks good on you, so who can blame you. =P "
Lush products are quite a treat. Love their bathbombs ^_^
If you think the Lush people are annoying wait till you meet the Sasa Girls -.- they HOUND you around the shop from the moment you step in right till you run right out of them. I hate going in there but sometimes it's neccessity when I need something. Even when you fingers touch a product they are like in your face recommending another 3 different brands that they have a promotion on -.- Meh... Neccessary Evil.
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