Thursday, June 4, 2009

State of CT You Suck!

Warning: This is a total rant/bitchfest entry.....

Hi Y'all!! I've been slacking :( I've been dealing with some "drama" b/c I'm such a "worrier" I'm letting the drama get to me.... I'm really pissed at the State of CT DOL right now. A few weeks ago I got a letter stating that I "knowing made a false claim to receive unemployment insurance for the week ending Nov. 15th. " I was like no I didn't so I filled out the form stating that the info was incorrect and included copies of my time cards and paystubs (I keep everything).... I thought everything would be ok.....
So I get a letter on Tuesday stating that they reviewed my file and my "failure to request or attend a hearing blah, blah.. (I didn't request a hearing b/c I didn't think it was a problem b/c I filled out the form and sent copies of my stuff). THEY SENT ME AN MUTHAFING BILL!!!!!! They also will not give me the BENEFITS THAT I AM ENTITLED TO UNTIL I PAY THE BILL or they "deduct" it from my account. They also let me know that I "committed a MISDEMEANOR" & a bunch of BULLSH!@T legal crap and penalites that they want to charge me with. I didn't collect any money that was not owed to me! My last day of work was NOVEMEMBER 2, 2008!!!!!!
So I took my behind down to the office and tried my best not to act "ignat", because I'm mad as hell at this point! There are times and places to act "ignant" but seriously not a the Unemployment office... NO ONE CAN HELP ME!!! They sat me at dirty f-ing computer and had me fill out a form to appeal there decision (which I could of done from home)! The lady told me that if I need more assitance to go down the street to SOCIAL SERVICES!! Thanks b!tch! Do I look like I need FOOD STAMPS!!! I'm not HUNGRY I'm pissed!!! She also gave me list of places where I can get "free legal assistance".... I don't need a f-ing lawyer to say that my last day of work was Nov. 2nd and I didn't make a false claim for the week of Nov. 15th!!!
I'm not trying to play the system... I'm not trying to sit on my ass and collect. I've been working since I was 13 (babysitting, summer jobs)... I'm going to school FULL-TIME so when things get better I'll have that retarded peice of paper that makes me 'qualified' to do the same sh!t that I'm already doing.
I called my last employer and they are being really helpful with providing me with the info that I need to prove my last date of employement. Doesn't the DOL check with your employer when you open a new claim??? Why are we talking about some Bullsh!t that from NOVEMBER in JUNE!!! Get your sh!t straight CT!!! I've had nothing but bad luck from the moment I moved to CT.
I pray that my plans to move to ATL at the end of the summer pan out, b/c I have to get the hell out of here. It's like one thing after another....
Oh they sent me a check this week for $25!! The teller at the bank SMIRKED AT ME!!!! Seriously go fug yourself!!!! You work at the Savings Bank of Danbury, you aren't ballin'!!!! Then after he processed it and saw my balance it wasn't soo amusing!
People this is why you cannot depend on anything.... This is why I have savings for a rainy day!!! It's been raining for a while...
I knew things were looking bad a year ago and I pocketed all of my money in my savings account. So when I got laid off in August '08 I was ok... Then when I got laid off agian in Nov. '08 I was ok again. As much as I spend I make sure that I save!!!!
Thanks for listening! I'm going to go relax, eat some Strawberry Pocky edit some pics and be back later!

6 ♥Say Something♥:

wuzzyangel said...

I've been laid off more then I've wanted to be in my life! Most recently last June. I was collecting partial unemployment (I've collected full before too), and it's always such a bitch. No matter how good you keep YOUR records their shit is never in order. I finally was denied my partial right before xmas. Which they really shouldn't have done, but I just didn't want to deal with the shit anymore.

Have lots of POCKY!

Rai said...

Wow, that really sucks.
So you did file for unemployment right? Just didn't get any the day they are saying you did?

Fabulously Thrifty said...

I'm sorry babe..Cheer up charlie, I <3 u!

miRaCLe said...

awww.. that's suck! hope you are feeling better with the help of the pocky!!
cheer up!! :)

noone said...

aww that sucks :( I hope next week will be better for you!!

Karen said...

awwww that really sucks; just keep your head up and do what you have to do and remember that after the rain comes the sunshine.

feel better xoxox