Hi Y'all!! So it's tagged season on blogger again and Imee tagged me...... >_< style="text-align: center;">
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Imee Thinks She's Funny... TAGGED I'm IT! FOTD....
Ok, here it goes, took these with my webcam so its a little cheap and grainy looking.... I put it on the "burst" setting and had myself a little photoshoot ANTM syle.....
Arrghhh, Seriously Imee

Loopsided PEACE sign, lol....

1. Melissa (I know your in Disney honey, we'll wait)
2. L - Do IT, don't be a sensitive CRAB!
3. Jessy- I wanna see you do it Brazilian style!! I picture you running on the beach all the time in tiny winy Brazilian Girl bikinis!!!
4. Supervillian, you haven't updated since 4/6! So you get tagged soley for that reason
More Tagging Puckery.....
TAG: Getting to Know Me, Getting to Know You
Q: What made you choose your blog?
A: My blog first had no purpose/focus, I was just writing to pass the time when I got layed off. Then I did a product review and people started commenting, then I found my niche and made the awesomest friends around the world..
Q: What's your actual name?
A: Kendall Paige G. (my Government is too unique to put on blast)
Q: Do you have any nicknames?
A: K, Ken, Special K, Poops <- my mom calls me that), Kennel, Kendala, Kendallita, Morena, Ken Doll, Dunkin D's (lol Pam), Lil Mama *blushes*....
Q: Apart from the obvious make up / beauty hobby, what other hobbies do you have?
A: Collecting Hello Kitty Stuff, Reading Chic Lit, I have a week off of school and I have soo many "fun books" I want to read, Scrapbooking...
Q: What do you do?
A: I'm finishing my degree in BME (Business, Management & Economics) with a concentration in Marketing, my specialty is online & social media marketing.... I don't have a real 9-5 at the moment, I got laid off from an Internet Sports Appareal Company last August, then again in November from ESPN, funny part is I could care less about sports, lol... So since last January I've been hauling school full time and collecting my Unemployment Insurance and doing a few "side hustles" (nothing illegal, like being a nanny) to cover the cost of being obessed with all things beauty realated.
Q: What would you like to do?
A: Move far, far away from CT!!! Hopefully I will be calling ATL my home by the end of this summer.
Q: Tell us something embarrassing, but that you love doing?
A: I sing musicals a lot!! Like if you roll next to me at a red light you'll catch me singing something from RENT, Les Miserables, A Chrous Line, Wicked, In The Heights. I can also do the Hoedown Throwdown, lol....
Q: Tell us a little something that we don't already know about you.
A: Y'all people know all my business :), I can be over-sensitive a lot and my feelings get hurt really easliy. I love kids and I really hope I have some before my lady eggs shrivel up... I'm super silly and I love candy (gummies, & fruity stuff).
Q: What achievement are you most proud of?
A: I haven't really done anything extraordinary the past few years. In high school I was the only student in my school to get inducted into the National Honor Society for two foriegn languages at one time (French & Spanish).. I got a 99% on the NY State Spanish Regents Exam (miss and accent mark) and a 98% on the NY State French Regents Exam. I took them both at the same time, the school didn't know how to administor the exams b/c no other student ever took two langauges for four years and the Language tests are given at the same time.
Q: What do you most like about yourself?
A: That I'm silly as hell & I can laugh about anything, well almost anything...
Q: What would you change about yourself if you could?
A: PROCRASTINATION!!! I wait till the last minute to do everything. I work better under crazy pressure. I'm working on changing that b/c something usually happens at the last minute, then I have to beg for an extension. I'm really bad at RSVP-ing for stuff... I always RSVP late, or end up missing stuff because I didn't RSVP. It wouldn't hurt to lose 15lbs....
Q: If you could have anything in the world (that doesn't cost any money), what would you want?
A: True freaking love! Like Beyonce "got me lookin' so crazy right now", kinda of love!!!
Oh here's my FOTD... I'm finally learning how to use blue eyeshadow and not look like a tranny....
Yeah, my hair looks janky I did my makeup before I did my hair... This pic is gross actually, looks like a mug shot...
Like my super arched brow on the left and my curved brow on the right, lol....

Too Faced Shadow Insurance ~Primer (I switch b/t UDPP I'm trying to see which is better)
MAC~ Cool Heat (lower lid)
MAC ~ Prussin- (crease)
Shady Lady The Blam Palette ~ (highlight) either Jet-Setting Jennifer or Lusicous Lani (I forgot sorry)
Urban Decay- 24/7 Liner Zero
Mascara ~ L'oreal Voluminus & Katie B. Faux Lash
Brows - NYC Pencil & some random clear mascara
MAC Studio Fix NW40
MAC Bronzer Deeper Refined Bronzed
MAC MSF- Gold Deposit (Highlight t-zone)
Clinque Blush- Spiced Wine
TAG: Getting to Know Me, Getting to Know You
Q: What made you choose your blog?
A: My blog first had no purpose/focus, I was just writing to pass the time when I got layed off. Then I did a product review and people started commenting, then I found my niche and made the awesomest friends around the world..
Q: What's your actual name?
A: Kendall Paige G. (my Government is too unique to put on blast)
Q: Do you have any nicknames?
A: K, Ken, Special K, Poops <- my mom calls me that), Kennel, Kendala, Kendallita, Morena, Ken Doll, Dunkin D's (lol Pam), Lil Mama *blushes*....
Q: Apart from the obvious make up / beauty hobby, what other hobbies do you have?
A: Collecting Hello Kitty Stuff, Reading Chic Lit, I have a week off of school and I have soo many "fun books" I want to read, Scrapbooking...
Q: What do you do?
A: I'm finishing my degree in BME (Business, Management & Economics) with a concentration in Marketing, my specialty is online & social media marketing.... I don't have a real 9-5 at the moment, I got laid off from an Internet Sports Appareal Company last August, then again in November from ESPN, funny part is I could care less about sports, lol... So since last January I've been hauling school full time and collecting my Unemployment Insurance and doing a few "side hustles" (nothing illegal, like being a nanny) to cover the cost of being obessed with all things beauty realated.
Q: What would you like to do?
A: Move far, far away from CT!!! Hopefully I will be calling ATL my home by the end of this summer.
Q: Tell us something embarrassing, but that you love doing?
A: I sing musicals a lot!! Like if you roll next to me at a red light you'll catch me singing something from RENT, Les Miserables, A Chrous Line, Wicked, In The Heights. I can also do the Hoedown Throwdown, lol....
Q: Tell us a little something that we don't already know about you.
A: Y'all people know all my business :), I can be over-sensitive a lot and my feelings get hurt really easliy. I love kids and I really hope I have some before my lady eggs shrivel up... I'm super silly and I love candy (gummies, & fruity stuff).
Q: What achievement are you most proud of?
A: I haven't really done anything extraordinary the past few years. In high school I was the only student in my school to get inducted into the National Honor Society for two foriegn languages at one time (French & Spanish).. I got a 99% on the NY State Spanish Regents Exam (miss and accent mark) and a 98% on the NY State French Regents Exam. I took them both at the same time, the school didn't know how to administor the exams b/c no other student ever took two langauges for four years and the Language tests are given at the same time.
Q: What do you most like about yourself?
A: That I'm silly as hell & I can laugh about anything, well almost anything...
Q: What would you change about yourself if you could?
A: PROCRASTINATION!!! I wait till the last minute to do everything. I work better under crazy pressure. I'm working on changing that b/c something usually happens at the last minute, then I have to beg for an extension. I'm really bad at RSVP-ing for stuff... I always RSVP late, or end up missing stuff because I didn't RSVP. It wouldn't hurt to lose 15lbs....
Q: If you could have anything in the world (that doesn't cost any money), what would you want?
A: True freaking love! Like Beyonce "got me lookin' so crazy right now", kinda of love!!!
Oh here's my FOTD... I'm finally learning how to use blue eyeshadow and not look like a tranny....
Yeah, my hair looks janky I did my makeup before I did my hair... This pic is gross actually, looks like a mug shot...
Like my super arched brow on the left and my curved brow on the right, lol....

Too Faced Shadow Insurance ~Primer (I switch b/t UDPP I'm trying to see which is better)
MAC~ Cool Heat (lower lid)
MAC ~ Prussin- (crease)
Shady Lady The Blam Palette ~ (highlight) either Jet-Setting Jennifer or Lusicous Lani (I forgot sorry)
Urban Decay- 24/7 Liner Zero
Mascara ~ L'oreal Voluminus & Katie B. Faux Lash
Brows - NYC Pencil & some random clear mascara
MAC Studio Fix NW40
MAC Bronzer Deeper Refined Bronzed
MAC MSF- Gold Deposit (Highlight t-zone)
Clinque Blush- Spiced Wine
I'm DONE with finals!!!! I like don't know what to do with myself for a week... Oh I know the same stuff I was doin' when I was "studying".....
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10 ♥Say Something♥:
Yay on being done with finals! hope it went well!!! lucky you to still have hot looking photos on the tag!!! :)
LOL! You're too funny Kendall! Love your ANTM "photo shoot"! :)
And I procrasinate a lot too! :( Oh well it all eventually gets done! LOL!
The blue looks good on you!! And I don't think you could ever look like a tranny! LOL!
oh stop it, you! u dont look bad!
btw, i do have cbox... hmm... i saw it just now =/
love the eyes! smokey looks really good on you =)
Thanks for TAG my flower TAG =)
But .. I believe it will be difficult to run in a bikini in front of web cam but I will try LOL
Woohoo! Your lucky! Your finals are over! YAAAAY (:
Girl, you still look good in the tag! ♥
lovely lovely lovely!!
A fellow Renthead!!!!!!! WOOHOO!!
Lookit you having a photoshoot there!! you look mighty fine lady!! :D
heehe your so damn cute!!
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