Hi, y'all! So I went to my TEN YEAR High School reunion last weekend because I'm corny like that... I've also been under a lot of stress up here in CT, and I just needed to go back home! Lawng Island (Long Island), how I miss it! I planned to leave on Friday May 1st EARLY (like 1pm that's early for me), but I was unprepared bc I had finals all week and I was ready to go and I noticed that I had a freaking headlight out argghh. So I did what any ignorant/lazy car owner would do, I took it to the dealer. I know Autozone is like down the road but I just got my nails done on Thurs. and I wasn't about to dig around under the hood of my car. So $40 later ("labor and materials", my car isn't under the 36,000 warranty anymore so I wasn't covered. I also had a bunch of last minute errands to run so I didn't leave CT until 4pm! Driving down to Long Island on a Friday is a nightmare... Leaving at 4pm is straight up retarded... Of course soon as I hit the highway the torrential downpours began >_<.... I drove and sat in traffic for a lifetime, and I had to pee, like real bad like if I had a diaper or some kinda lining on my seat I would of have peed in my car! Luckily I was near my other g'mas house and prayed to GOD that she'd be home so I could pee... She was, and since it's rude to pee and leave I hung out at her house for an hour which was nice, I'm not as close with her like I was with my other g'ma. So I left her house in Queens and made it down to my hotel finally by 8pm!!! Yes, it took my 4 f-in hours to get to Long Island, it should take 2 hours tops! I checked into my hotel the Holiday Inn Express (b/c I'm high class like that..
(My 5 star accommodations)

(The lobby, nice but I didn't chill in it)

Since I got in so late I kinda wanted to just chill, so I called my girl Natalie!!
Luckily Natatlie was able to ditch the kids with her husband and come out and play with me so we went to TGI Friday's and caught up and had some drinks. Me 2 Pomegranate Martinis & Natalie 2 Long Island Iced Teas...
Then we headed back to her house and I got to see the latest addition to her family Kingston Carter!!!
I also got to see her two daughters Kayla & Kaylin. Kayla was having a sleepover with a friend so what did tipsy me and tipsy Natalie do. Made the children dance. In African American and Latino cultures it is perfectly acceptable normal behavior to make your children entertain and perform for company no matter what time it is. I've been waken up many times as a child to "come here and dance girl"! Kayla can dance! She did the whole Micheal Jackson Bad routine (crocth grabs and all) and the Hoedown Throwdown from Hannah Montana. I wish I recorded it!!!
Natalie the 'Rican and Miguel her husband the Jamaican (there kids are soo freakin' cute!) Little Jamaican Rican Babies!

(He's 5 months old now, this is a newborn pic)

Makalya Noel (older pic, I'm a bad Ti-ti Kendall, I need newer pics)

Saturday I woke up kinda late bc I stayed up till like 6am watching TV with Ryan. I did a drive by of my old house *tear*, hit up White Castle for a good breakfast/lunch (there's no White Castles in CT).

(Curls before I finger combed them out)
My MAC Eyeshadows that I had to pick for my trip, (I limited myself to 15ish)......
My Bathroom Boudoir....
The other side of my beauty madness... Choosing my must pack out of my stash was really hard, I felt like a bad mother for leaving my other makeup children at home. My makeup is in DRAWERS, but I kept my train case for travel.
The Look....
My outfit for the night was black & gold so I went with a gold smokey eye.
(I did my eyes first so if I jacked them up I could easily "erase")..
I pretty much used UDPP, NYX Jumbo Pencil in Iced Mocha (thank you Vanessa for helping me choose a base via BB Messenger te amo mi e-wifey)
*Ignore the eye bugger, I fixed it later....
The Final Look (Ignore my "Wonky" lookin' face).... I pinky swore I'd be there by 8pm, I rolled in around 9ish......
My Shoes - Nine West (if anyone cares...)
Here are some random pics from the reunion. I won't bore you with too many, I mean y'all don't know these people :)
The ones that showed up! I think my graduating class was 199. Notice how the 5 brown people who showed up are all clumped together, lol....
My 3 FBMs (Fine Black Men)
Ryan, Randy, & John
Yay! They made it 2 are lawyers and one is a cop.
Me & Meredith LaRa (still friends)
That shirt made me look a little chubbier than I actually am... >_< onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEj6WDYAQmXqVAMLLPAVWjWildH08PpVvynA6urkjy2SWjX0dmqkrsOfBD2WPIFM9fTBSVkXjJ0zE78eiiU1XreDo2addiIYCj-3mmEKh3X4aqDRCHjA0Ghrjadlmh-D9pIhO9zuGqMKl3s/s1600-h/DSC02888a.JPG">
Me & Ryan at our 5 Year Mini Reunion 2004
My Bathroom Boudoir....
The Look....
My outfit for the night was black & gold so I went with a gold smokey eye.
(I did my eyes first so if I jacked them up I could easily "erase")..
I pretty much used UDPP, NYX Jumbo Pencil in Iced Mocha (thank you Vanessa for helping me choose a base via BB Messenger te amo mi e-wifey)
*Ignore the eye bugger, I fixed it later....
The Final Look (Ignore my "Wonky" lookin' face).... I pinky swore I'd be there by 8pm, I rolled in around 9ish......
My Shoes - Nine West (if anyone cares...)
Here are some random pics from the reunion. I won't bore you with too many, I mean y'all don't know these people :)
The ones that showed up! I think my graduating class was 199. Notice how the 5 brown people who showed up are all clumped together, lol....

My 3 FBMs (Fine Black Men)

Yay! They made it 2 are lawyers and one is a cop.
Me & Meredith LaRa (still friends)
Me & Ryan at our 5 Year Mini Reunion 2004

Me & Ryan on our last day of high school, they would ring the last bell 5 mins early for seniors and play "These Are the Times to Remember by Billy Joel, and we'd do our last walk around the school and cry, lol 1999
Dang, I've know him for a long ass time!
Overall it was a great night! It was good seeing my old hood/barrio. It was open bar, and y'all know I drank my $60 worth :) Sucks b/c my drunkie ass lost an eyelash, oh well....
Of course we hit up White Castle after!!! It's open 24/7, the person in front of us ordered $78 in WHITE CASTLE!!! Everything there costs like 61 cents or no more than $2... We were on line a really long time trapped in the drive-tru.

Overall it was a great night! It was good seeing my old hood/barrio. It was open bar, and y'all know I drank my $60 worth :) Sucks b/c my drunkie ass lost an eyelash, oh well....
Of course we hit up White Castle after!!! It's open 24/7, the person in front of us ordered $78 in WHITE CASTLE!!! Everything there costs like 61 cents or no more than $2... We were on line a really long time trapped in the drive-tru.

15 ♥Say Something♥:
awww!!! The babies are so cute!! :) and lookit you!! Lookin so hot hot!! :D
Ummmmmmmm Kendall dear, I think you left out a weeeeeee detail??? hint hint hint
LOL @ K's comment!! HA!!
But I'm glad you got there safe! I hate it when I have to pee & I'm stuck in traffic! LOL!!
Your friend's family is too cute!!
And dang girl you I think yo boy is FINE!! You guys look the same in all the pics! LOL! From HS to now!!
I'm glad you had fun though!
@ K & @Wuzzy, I don't know what y'all are talking about. I didn't leave any parts out.. Well some....... :p
I don't plan on goin to ANY of my high school reunions. LMAO!
Aww, how cute are those kids!
You looked cute.
Wooooo! That dude on the far left is cuuuute! =D
YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO where is my pic!! i know you know what i am tawkin about!!!...*hmph*
i just wanna say you look gorgeous babe!!! from your eyelash to your hair...to you *ahem* under garb...if i were him i would have ripped you to pieces...which i think he did...and now you are E.N.G.A.G.E.D...are you still going to buffalo NY? oh and WTF 78$ worth of white castle...dude must have been on 23 blunts!!! ...i miss white castle too...=(
BTW this shit reminded me of you
ooooooohhhweeeee! those FBM are yummy :)
i can't wait to go to my reunion! you looked freaking FAB as usual. your travel aresenal is on hit!
girl you look good!!! and her kids are totally adorable
im with ya sistahh..im so sick of school already!!! summer hurry up pleaseee!! i decided no summer school this year..ill just chill for summaaa summmaa time! ;]
hmmmmm....looks like someone missed the juicy parts of a story!!!!!
And damn those 3 men are FINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Girl you look so hot!!!! LOL..always on CP time!!!! I've been getting better w/ that lately...depends on where I need to be..lol
LOL...your edited version...just wait until the tabloids version comes out!! jk
You looked gorgeous! Love the hair and gold eyeshadow.
Kendall! You curl your hair so beautifully, I'm jealous! My curls always look soo ugly (this is why I never have curly hair in my pics)! haha Do the FBM like Asians?! lmao. And as for the spirits, they won't bother you unless you do something like really evil ya know. They might just be saying hello, so no need to worry love. :)
Ok, you got a cool ass blog and ima be comin back for more so keep it up!
i love you too my e-wifey!
beautiful look honey youlook gorgeous!
aww the lil ones are soo cute!
and omG u looked gorgeous for the reunion.. the makeup and hair were on point!
well helloooo ryan! lmao hes cute!
hey i Love your blog did you see they are opening in ulta in north have ct =))
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