Me & Mel!!! Don't we look cute together?
Since were Beauty Bloggers eating was involved.

We sat in this room but in a booth.

Sorry no food porn but I'll make some up!

Melissa had a Hamburger.... Good fries, I snuck my hand over to her plate..... :)

I had Seafood Ravioli.... It was really good but the plate only had 4 raviolis >_<>

After lunch we galavanted to the Galleria Mall!! Yes The Westchester is in the same area but I wasn't trying to max out any credit cards at Nordies, Tiffany&Co., Nieman Marcus or Louis Vuitton.
The Galleria (mall for regular broke-ass people)

Melissa is on a cruise right now, lucky b!tc@! So hopefully we can meet up again soon. Were only about 45mins apart.
So after Melissa and I departed I rememered that there was an Asian SUPERMARET in the area, so thanks to my super smart Blackberry and txting my friend C (she works right near it). I headed over to the White Plains Mall. All I could think was SHADY! It looked like one of those dying malls on life support. You the mall that was poppin' in the late 70's early 80's. The Asian Market is on the lower level and pretty much is the entire lower level. The upper level had a hood Beauty Supply Store, and a Uniform Outlet Store (scrubs, restaurant apparel etc...) So I headed downstairs to Kam Sen Foods! I only went in there for 3 things and maybe some candy.
I really wanted ingredients for Hurricane Popcorn. Wuzzy was kind enough to send me some, but I need to make it myself. I can't ask her to send me some on a regular basis, lol..... ;) She did post the ingredients on her blog.
I needed Furiflake (rice seasoning, seasoned nori sprinkles), Arare (Kamochi, Rice Crackers, Mochi Crunch) or Li0Hing Mui Powder if Furiflake was unavailble. I was set & on a mission!! I had all this typed into my Blackberry, lol....
Kam Sen is HUGE!!!! I tried to use my common sense and try to find some items on my own, no luck. So I ask a man for help, but he no good at English, so he yells to Jaun (the guys name was Jaun, I'm not sterotyping). Asian Man "Jaun come help pretty spanish girl she looking for seasonings I no understand her, she type word on phone" I'm not Spanish, lol it's the long hair that I bought from and Indian lady that throws people off, lol. So Jaun comes to help me (thank GOD that I can speak spanish, I'm not 100% anymore but I can get by). Jaun can't read english so my list in my phone didn't help, he wanted pics of the packages of the things that I was looking for!!!!!!! So since communication wasn't working I gave up and decided to walk around, then I found the candy & snack section........... I felt like I was in Willy Wonkas Asian Candy Factory!! I needed to upgrade from a basket to a cart. Yan Yan, in all flavors (vanilla, chocolate & strawberry)!!! Some with double icing!!!! Gummy's Strawberry & Peach, Kawaii Gum!! Plain Tea Biscuits!! Pocky, Dessert Pocky, Rice Cracker Mix. I lost my damn mind.... I'm set on import candy & snacks for a good while.....
The Haul... When I "haul" I don't play!
Yan Yan!!! Love this stuff, don't compare it to Dunka'ros Yan Yan is BETTER!!!
My new FAVORITE Animal Crackers and they are Kawaii!! There's printing on the crackers with the animal names! Educational & Delicious!!
Hello Kitty Hard Candies, Strawberry Gummies & Fruity Gum Packs ,(the Peach & other bag of strawberry not pictured.
Chocolate Gummies
My new favorite snack!!! I love this Rice Cracker Mix!!! I put some in a baggie to take with me when I go study!!!
Soup & Soup Mixes
I keep my stash safe and hidden away in my secret hiding place.....
Found this Vinyl Tote at Target for $2.50 in the $1 Spot!!!
Found this Vinyl Tote at Target for $2.50 in the $1 Spot!!!
12 ♥Say Something♥:
Ohhh how nice you guys met up!! IM JELLY!!!
"Of course since we are beauty bloggers, we had to eat!" AINT THAT THE TRUTH! hahahah LOVE IT! Even tho you didnt take any pics of the food, I was still hungry reading about it! Seafood ravioli is soooo good, I WANT I WANT!
Your Asian store haul is amazing! I need to find one around here! I would totally go all out!
hahah damn look @ all those snacks!!! i grew up eating yan yans and theyre still fun to eat!!!!
yay! sounds like a fun meet up! Glad you had a great time! LOL! "mall for broke asses"! HA!!
LOL! It's "furikake" LOL!! Girl... sorry you had trouble finding it! Maybe I'll just send you up a jar!
OOooh look at all the YUMMOS!! Those animal crackers are the best! Soo buttery and flaky!! And they come in Furikake seasoned ones as well!! ;)
Hoooo Gummy Chocos ROCK!!
Great selection!! And what a cute bag to hold it all in! :)
OMG! lookie all those snacks! the choco gummies are freaking amazing!
i wanna haul some asian good today!
omg my babe! so much yumminess!!! i love your tote!!i want one :(
I looove yan yans!! <3 mmmm
I had s0o0o much fun!! I'm mad that we didn't take pics and only realized it afterwards lol. I'm sorry I had to cut it short :(
Next time we should go to the city!!
haha my favorite animal crackers as well, but they are a little pricey. haha im glad you were able to save your romping eyeshadow.
love always,
missanne-nonymous aka miss mia
The vinyl tote is too cute! I see Strawberry Dessert Pocky!! Yum yummy!!
Aww yay for your meetup!
I am so hungry looking at that. I could eat all the cute candy in one go (im not joking).. ahhh why did i see this i have to eat again!!
OKay you just made me super hungry, lol!!! :)
oo0o0o girl you don't play around do you I like you AHAHA Im so jealous of your snackies * droools*
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