Hi Y'all... The last few days have been really craptastic (craptastic is a word) here in CT... It's been all stank, gray, drizzly & gross. This kinda weather takes such a toll on my sunny lil heart. I'm all kinds of cranky. I've been holed up in my room getting my ass fat off of Yan Yan & Dessert Pocky (desert Pocky is the sh!t, it's like Pocky for grown folks and they are THICKER)...
I've been reading & keeping up with everyone's blogs, forgive me if I'm not commenting but I'm there, I promise.
I scored the awesomest (is that a word?) wallet from Kimberly Tia's BLOG SALE!! Go take a look, the Tokidoki "inspired" wallet is MINE all mine so don't even look at it! I emailed her so fast to claim it, I've never typed so quickly in my life. It's so weird that she posted it up because I'm going through this "art" phase, and discovering artist and stlyes that I like, Fafi she's such badass! I'm so bummed that I missed the Fafi MAC Collection!! Maybe it was for a good reason....I fell in love with the Tokidoki by Italian artist Simone Legno and all of a sudden the wallet was on her blogger sale. That's why I totally ♥ Ms. KT! I can't wait until it arrives so I can fill it with my $16.70, maxed out credit cards and my new ugly ass Drivers License!
Photo Credit: "Borrowed" from KT's blog
I'm even thinking about going to Micheals and grabbing me a little sketch book and some pencils and maybe start doddling, lol...
Last night I was feeling creative and I wanted to try a new look! I loved the Gold Winged Eye Look that I saw on Katrina's blog (Katrina is A Princess). I really wanted to try it because I ususally look like a crack hoe when I try to wing my liner.... So here's the look that I was going for. I hope you don't mind me borrowing a pic from your blog...
I only winged it out a little bit, I was afraid I'd take it too far...Finished Look with "Nude Lips" Finished Look with "Redish Lips" ~~~~~What it Takes to Create Fabulosity~~~
Urban Decay- 24/7 ~Liner – Zero (lined my eyes with this first per Katrina’s instructions & it helped)
MAC- Fluidline Blacktrack (used over UD Liner)
Sossi 100% Human Hair Lashes #47
Ardell LashMagic
MAC Studio Finish Concealer NW50
MAC MSF Liquid Foundation NW50
MAC Studio Fix NW 50 (to set liquid)
MAC Bronzer refined deeper bronze
MAC MSF ~Gold Deposit (attempted to use as a highlighter)
Clinique Blush ~Spiced Wine
Lips (Red)
NK Lip Crayon Plum Brown
MARK Dew Drenched (I used a sample need to order this color)
Lips (Nude/Glossy)
NK Lip Crayon Plum Brown
MAC HK Fresh Brew
MAC Lustreglass (name rubbed off)
MAC Lustreglass Beux
Did I nail it? I don't think so.... It was my first time winging (is that a word) liner, so I'm going to have to practice this technique. I was kinda afraid to really wing it and go to far. It's super easy and I'm sure that if I practice it a few times I'll get it down in no time. Refer to Katrina's Post here for the breakdown. I do like the way the gold came out on me. I'm going to try this look again for a party that I might go to on Saturday.
Ardell LashMagic- Quickie Review
I found this little treasure a few weeks ago at Harmon's (the beauty section inside of Bed, Bath & Beyond). It claims to blend your lashes with your falsies. "Ardell LashMagic is not your ordinary mascara, LashMagic Blending Mascara simply blends your natural lashes into artificial ones making them undetectable. LashMagic does not add length or thickness to your lashes so your lashes will remain clump-free. The LashMagic formula is water soluble and can be easily removed without ruining a perfect pair of lashes".
I give this product 4 ♥♥♥♥... The product does what it claims, it does work better at blending your lashes with falsies then a regular mascara, b/c a regular mascara is usually formulated to "do something" like volumize, lengthen, etc. This just makes them blend and gives a nice finished look. The lashes I used were big and fluffy and a regular mascara probably would of made them look clumpy or like too much... Do you need this stuff, not really, but it's like less than $5 so it wont really hurt your pocket.
Did I nail it? I don't think so... It was my first time winging (is that a word) liner, so I'm going to have to practice this technique. It's super easy and I'm sure that if I practice it a few times I'll get it down in no time. I do like the way the gold came out on me. I'm going to try this look again for a party that I might go to on Saturday.
............Cam Whore......... Classlic Mona a.k.a. Make Me Blushhh Pose, my pose is a little umm off...
Hi Y'all!! Miss me much? So last Friday May 23rd, I went to a little BLOGGER MEETUP! Melissa of Fabulously Thrifty have been trying to coordinate a date for like 2 months, we're busy ladies. We've been emailing daily since our Virginal Swap months ago. We decided to meetup in her hood White Plains, NY!!! Melissa and I are naughty bloggers add we didn't take any PIC >_< href="http://www.vintagebar.net/menu.html">Vintage. 171 Main St. White Plains, NY
Me & Mel!!! Don't we look cute together?
Since were Beauty Bloggers eating was involved.
We sat in this room but in a booth.
Sorry no food porn but I'll make some up!
Melissa had a Hamburger.... Good fries, I snuck my hand over to her plate..... :)
I had Seafood Ravioli.... It was really good but the plate only had 4 raviolis >_<>
Ohh & we both had Diet Coke!
After lunch we galavanted to the Galleria Mall!! Yes The Westchester is in the same area but I wasn't trying to max out any credit cards at Nordies, Tiffany&Co., Nieman Marcus or Louis Vuitton.
The Galleria (mall for regular broke-ass people)
We mostly browsed! I'm sooooooooo happy that I finally got a chance to meet up with Melissa!!! It was like hanging out with a friend who I hadn't seen in years. We have so many odd and random things in common, no werid awkard silences, chitter chatter. Our next date with be taking place in my hood at the OG, lol The Olive Garden....
Melissa is on a cruise right now, lucky b!tc@! So hopefully we can meet up again soon. Were only about 45mins apart.
So after Melissa and I departed I rememered that there was an Asian SUPERMARET in the area, so thanks to my super smart Blackberry and txting my friend C (she works right near it). I headed over to the White Plains Mall. All I could think was SHADY! It looked like one of those dying malls on life support. You the mall that was poppin' in the late 70's early 80's. The Asian Market is on the lower level and pretty much is the entire lower level. The upper level had a hood Beauty Supply Store, and a Uniform Outlet Store (scrubs, restaurant apparel etc...) So I headed downstairs to Kam Sen Foods! I only went in there for 3 things and maybe some candy.
I really wanted ingredients for Hurricane Popcorn. Wuzzy was kind enough to send me some, but I need to make it myself. I can't ask her to send me some on a regular basis, lol..... ;) She did post the ingredients on her blog.
I needed Furiflake (rice seasoning, seasoned nori sprinkles), Arare (Kamochi, Rice Crackers, Mochi Crunch) or Li0Hing Mui Powder if Furiflake was unavailble. I was set & on a mission!! I had all this typed into my Blackberry, lol....
Kam Sen is HUGE!!!! I tried to use my common sense and try to find some items on my own, no luck. So I ask a man for help, but he no good at English, so he yells to Jaun (the guys name was Jaun, I'm not sterotyping). Asian Man "Jaun come help pretty spanish girl she looking for seasonings I no understand her, she type word on phone" I'm not Spanish, lol it's the long hair that I bought from and Indian lady that throws people off, lol. So Jaun comes to help me (thank GOD that I can speak spanish, I'm not 100% anymore but I can get by). Jaun can't read english so my list in my phone didn't help, he wanted pics of the packages of the things that I was looking for!!!!!!! So since communication wasn't working I gave up and decided to walk around, then I found the candy & snack section........... I felt like I was in Willy Wonkas Asian Candy Factory!! I needed to upgrade from a basket to a cart. Yan Yan, in all flavors (vanilla, chocolate & strawberry)!!! Some with double icing!!!! Gummy's Strawberry & Peach, Kawaii Gum!! Plain Tea Biscuits!! Pocky, Dessert Pocky, Rice Cracker Mix. I lost my damn mind.... I'm set on import candy & snacks for a good while.....
The Haul... When I "haul" I don't play!
Yan Yan!!! Love this stuff, don't compare it to Dunka'ros Yan Yan is BETTER!!!
My new FAVORITE Animal Crackers and they are Kawaii!! There's printing on the crackers with the animal names! Educational & Delicious!!
Back of the box, look how kawaii...
All kinds of Pocky! More Animal Crackers & Adorable Hello Panda Snacks!
Hello Kitty Hard Candies, Strawberry Gummies & Fruity Gum Packs ,(the Peach & other bag of strawberry not pictured.
Chocolate Gummies
My new favorite snack!!! I love this Rice Cracker Mix!!! I put some in a baggie to take with me when I go study!!!
Soup & Soup Mixes
I keep my stash safe and hidden away in my secret hiding place.....
Found this Vinyl Tote at Target for $2.50 in the $1 Spot!!!
I can't beleive I'm taking 12 credits this summer >_< .... I love punishment...
Hi Y'all! So I went to the CCO (Store #813, park in the Purple Lot) at Woodbury Commons like a bunch of weeks ago and I never posted the swag I scored....
The bag with the boxes has been staring at me reminding me to post. Now I can break down my boxes and put them in my "box" bag. Yeah I'm a odd one I keep all of my boxes..
Isn't this Palette Pretty!!!! Infatuating Rose :6 Cool Eyes It also came with a little ass MAC Brush (MAC213SE)
I was good! I only got three things!! Since I'm a "glass half full" kinda girl I got "9" colors.
MAC Eyeshadow Suite in Counterparts
Sorry the color looks a little "wonky" but the darker shade is actaully an "army greenish with a hint of shimmer", the lighter color is a "tanish with a hint of shimmer".
Mineralize Blush ~ Gleeful
I suck a picking out blushes. I'm not really into blushes. I think because I'm not the darker side of the spectrum and most blushes look stupid on me. I'm so addicted to my HG Blush Clinque "Spiced Wine", but sometimes you have to change things up a bit .
Wuzzy Angel!!! Truely is an angel. She overheard me on Twitter being jealous about not trying Hurricane Popcorn, lol.... She then DEMANDED that I give her my mailing addy! I quote "Just email me your mailing addy!! Or I'll find some other way to get it! O_o" She wasn't playing so I gave up the digits, and a few days later what do I find in my mailbox???
Hurricane Popcorn!!!! Secret Love Note!!!! Dr. Pepper Cherry Chocolate Lippie Tin!!!!! Tropical Eyeshadow Trio!!!! Macademia Kissess............
Wuzzy!! I &hearted; you before but you made this Northeastern Girl feel tropical!!! Yeah I ate both already!! It's my new favorite late night study snack.... I actually ordered more from Hawaii Hurricane Popcorn Company Wuzzy did post the recipie on her blog but I'm an idiot and I like to pay shipping from HI, lol.... Besides there's no Asian Markets near me and the people in Stop&Stop gave me the worst kind of *side eye*, what's this crazy betch looking for face... They told me to try the "Indian Market" down the road. Dumbasses..... Wuzzy watch your back!!! I can't let a such a sweet gesture go unappreicated!!! I'm getting my creavitity together and puttin together a lil' somethin' somethin' for you......
So ladies, I'm out it's almost 4am on the eastside here. The birdies start getting all loud & sh!t around 4:30-4:45 and I have no patience for that. Don't those bridies know that I'm just drifting off to sleep!! I guess the sun didn't get my memo either because the sun starts to rise around 5, and my vampire ass need to be asleep before the sun rises.
Hi Y'all!! I got so many comments on my last post about how to undo the damage I did to my MAC Hello Kitty Collection Too Dolly Quad... I was studying today and I decided to take a break and try to fix it. I know I have ADD.. There was actually a paragraph about MAC Cosmetics Inc. in my Marketing Management book!
So back to my sad ass Too Dolly dilemma, blogger beauties chimed in from all around the world offering there deepest sympathies and advice and tips..... I wanted to share so no one else makes the same mistake.
Awww Chicky chicky! That sucks!! Scraping is the only way I know of that would fix it. Unless you go to the extremes and crumble & re-press the whole thing! :(
That's the only way I know how to fix it is to scrape it off. I had this happen to me when I wasn't careful, and I had to scratch the top layer off gently with a needle. I used a needle (the side, kind of slanted) because it was what I had on hand. So now when I use an eyeliner transformer on my shadows, I make sure to only use one side of the shadow, that way the other side won't get all crusted.
sorry, love. I think its ruined if you its still not working by scrapinng off the top layer. What i usually do is scrape off a bit anyway to a palette or my hand then wet my brush and dip it in that, so only the part you scraped off gets wet, not the whole pan. hope this helps for next time.
aww, thank goodness now mushroom grow in your palette. I hate this too... but I think u should not use a wet brush on the palette... aww, hope someone able to help u fix it huggsss!
omg that has happened to me too but wit the purple one!! boOoo.. maybe ill dry up n go back to normal... haha sigh* mines just happned today n funny how i came across urs... lol just keep usign the pink eventually itll disapear.. xoxo -jeSMakeup
hey girly you know whats soo funny is that i went through the exact same situation as you. i also ruined my hk too dolly palette by wetting my brush and dipping it into the romping eyeshadow. When i was at mac in nordstroms the other day, i told the mua what happened with my romping eyeshadow and she told me if you stick a piece of tape on the eyeshadow it removes the hard part. i hope that helps. good luck!
maybe just sweep off a couple of layers with either 1- a microfiber towel or 2-a paper towel (the bumpy side)
May 19, 2009 6:56 PM
Anonymous said...
So what did I do?????? I figured at this point the color is ruined so it wouldn't matter what I did but just in case I tried the least invasive method first. Tape..huh.. It worked!! I was looking forward to being a surgeon and busting out needles and scraping!
It worked the 1st time but I kept doing it...
Shadow on my finger!!! Before I couldn't get a swipe it was completley solid!!!!
Romping is all better!!!! Thank you!!!! Anne-nonymous!!! Who are you?? I clicked on your blog and your MIA & anonymous! So ladies what did we learn today?? Do not wet your eyeshadows unless you know it's a color that can be used wet or dry (some palettes I have actually say can be used wet or dry). If you want to use it wet only wet 1/4 or 1/2 of the color. Scotch Tape works! Scraping works! Posting random questions on your blog works!
Awww Chicky chicky! That sucks!! Scraping is the only way I know of that would fix it. Unless you go to the extremes and crumble & re-press the whole thing! :(