1. Where is your cell phone - Right next to me, we have a close relationship!
2. Your hair – Dark Brown! It's straight this week, back to wavy on Sunday I'm going to wash & do a hair mask!
3. Your father – Nerdy! That's why were cool!
4. Your favorite thing - Vanilla Diet Pepsi
5. Your dream last night – I don't remember, my bum a$$ woke up at 12:30pm today...
6. Your favorite drink – Stoli Razz & 7-Up
7. Your dream goal – To finally graduate, get a grown up job & some grown up clothes move out & get a grown up apartment & decorate it with Hello Kitty sh!t!
8. The room you are in - My room
9. Your fear – Becoming a spinster cat lady!
10. Where do you want to be in 6 years – Somewhere warm! I want to move WEST like Southern Cali, Arizona, or Vegas. If that doesn't workout I'll move South and be a Southernbelle and have a southern accent.
11. Muffins – Low Fat Blueberry from D&D! It's not really low in fat but I don't like the taste of the regular one.
12. One of your wish list items – Jeez, it's long!! I want everything.
13. Where you grew up – Long Island
14. The last thing you did (before answering these questions) – Talked to my b's on Twitter
15. What are you wearing – Jeans & a black long sleeve tee. True Kendall style
16. Your TV - Umm, its on watching Rock of Love Slut Bus Tour
17. Your pets - I have 1 fish in a dirty ass tank! Whenever I clean it he almost dies so I let him swim happy in the algae funk tank. I have visitation and partial custody of Julius my "ex's" dog
18. Your computer -HP Pavilion dv6000 Laptop & an old Dinosaur desktop that I never use.
19. Your life –Avgerage, not much to report
20. Your mood – Stank, I went shopping for an outfit to wear to NYC tonight & its that annoying time of year when stores have no winter stuff out but it's FREAKIN' cold out. All i can find are summer clothes. Tubetops & sh!t
21. Missing someone – Nope
22. Your car – 2007 Subaru Impreza! AWD is a must where I live.
23. Favorite store – Target! I can usually find everything I need there and its right down the road.
24. Your summer – When is it coming!! I forgot what warm sun feels like!
25. Your favorite color/s - Pink, Purple & Silver
26. When was the last time you laughed – Last night, when a stripper grabbed my boobie & asked me "Who's your Doctor?"
27. When was the last time you cried – I've cut back on drinking so I don't cry as much. I guess I'm a teary eyed drunk!
28. Last person who emailed you – My friend Missy, to see where I slept last night!
29. Your favorite food – Lasagna & Seafood
30. A place you would rather be right now - Vegas!!!!
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