The other day I was at Bed, Bath & Beyond looking for nothing in particular. The Bed, Bath, & Beyond in Brookfield or Danbury, CT it's on the border I'm not sure, has the awesomest cosmetics and body care section it's HUGE and all their cosmetics are DISCOUNTED (holla). They have everything make-up, cotton, bath, baby stuff, brushes, bath, nail stuff, storage, lotions, body wash, and the best sample/travel size I was thinking about taking pics for y'all but I didn't want to look shady.... So I decided to try something new.
Rimmel London Glam'EYES Mascara
The package claims that it gives you "10X more volumized & 80% Longer Lash Look" "Ultra Volume High Def
Y'all are going to kill me but I don't remember the price, I think it was $6-ish..... I'm a very faithful lady when it comes to my mascaras... I don't cheat or stray. I was a MAC Zoomlash user for a longass time. Then I think I ran out and couldn't get to the mall and I tried the Loreal Voluminous and became faithful to that... So trying a new mascara for no reason is like cheating too me. I may have mascara OCD too......
I've used it three times and I like it. The brush is a bit different than I'm used to. It's rubber & small. It kinda reminds of little rubber combs on a stick. So it doesn't go on very clumpy like with other brushes. It's easy to control and get the inner corners and hard to reach spots.No werid or funky smell, (yes I sniffed it just for you ladies).....
The packaging doesn't mention if it's waterproof, but it holds up well. I've shed a lot of tears the past few days and I don't look like a raccoon.
This stuff dries with the quickness so I have to use my iLash comb after each eye. I usually do both eyes then comb them out, but by the time you get to the other eye it's already dry & hard to comb through.
Over all this is a great drugstore buy. I give it 4 out of 5 & hearts;
Oh I got my Financial Aid back at the last minute on Friday!!!! I was able to re-register for 2 of 3 of my classes. 1 is closed >_< , but b/c of everything that happens they said they will override and manually register me on Tuesday. So I'll be taking 12 credits!!! Diversity In the Workplace, Marketing Strategy, & The History of Mathematics (aka Math for remidal retards who cannot perfrom the most basic math functions even with a calculator). I start offically on Tuesday but I think I can log into my courses now and start browsing around. So I'm a student again so I'll be spending my days & nights in Borders & Starbucks. I was going to go "school shopping" for my Mead Hybrid Binders and Hello Kitty Folders but it's freakin' snowing so I'm staying my ass at home. Check out my sweet Hello Kitty swag....
6 ♥Say Something♥:
Hey Kendall, I'm glad it helped :) Hope you're doing better and that your man smartened up!
Oh and I love the Hello Kitty notepad. I think I'm going to go out tomorrow and try and find some HK stationary to give me something to play with until mac releases that damn makeup!
I have soo much Hello Kitty stationary. I used to send letter's to my g'ma Mommy Cat.... She loved Hello Kitty too :(
hey sweetheart!!! LOL i might sound dumb but where is connecticut?? i know it's somewhere in the northeast...but being from LA, i just think of everything in the northeast as just a big blob of stuff. anyhoo you're gorgeous! is CT colder than NY?
Hello Kitty swag! Hell yeah! I love Hello Kitty...I think she represents all the cute things I wanted as a little girl but couldn't get.
I didn't know Bed, Bath & Beyond had a a cosmetics and body care section...I never go 'cause I just thought it was expensive bed & bath stuff. :X
I love Borders! But funny, I never studied in there...I go purely for pleasure (or to check out a book I saw online but want to see in person...still, pleasurable hehe). I did use to study a lot at Starbucks, but I think if I went to Borders I'd be sooo distracted.
Committing to a written diary really does take a commitment, like you have to say "This is what I'm going to do" and stick to it. For years I typed my thoughts out but it just doesn't seem the same (not to mention people might access it or it could get lost on my computer)...I bet if you found a cute Hello Kitty diary, you'd want to write in it! =) (Oh yeah, it's also good to have lots of good pens...or else it's frustrating when the ink runs out, haha...I use gel roller pens, they make it seem that much more special).
This is my really long way of saying HI! =)
Hi girl! Yes I love the Shopaholic book! I didn't know they have a series! I must look after them :D I cannot wait to watch the movie! Wee! :D
Great review and I love the HK swag! :D
kendell; She did! i agree, haha!
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