Yesterday, was one of the hardest days of my life. I drove down to Queens in my PJs at 6am to meet my mom at my grandmothers (Mommy Cat's) apartment. My cousins (not to sure of the relation) drove in from Maryland and they were there already with my mom. I went straight to Mommy Cat's vanity (my favorite place in her apartment). When I was little I would sit there and play with her makeup brushes (w/ no makeup). I'd pretend to spritz myself with her crystal perfume bottles (they were empty and still are). I actually brought them home with me. They are beautiful....... :)
My cousin clogged the toilet and we had to knock on random peoples doors to see if they had a plunger, lol! I guess Mommy Cat never had clogging issues b/c we couldn't find one in her apartment. I did my hair and make-up at her vanity. I also did my mom's makeup, (my mom isn't a makeup-nista) mascara is for "special occasions". She only wears ID Minerals (only recently, like since December) and MAC Bronzer, Blush & Lipstick.
We got in the elevator and walked to the front of the building and my mom saw the limo and FROZE. She said "Ken I can't do this, I can't". I got her in the limo and gave her a half of a xanax. I took one earlier b/c I felt like I was going to have a panic attack and my mom was in no position to help me out of it. We got the the Funeral Home and walked in and me and my mom LOST it!!! I touched Mommy Cats hair and checked to make sure her tic-tacs were still in her casket (she had a Tic-Tac addiction) and we weren't going go let her go without her Tic Tacs. People began to file in. So many people, the room was practically FULL. I saw my bff from Long Island, Addie (we've been besties since nursery school). My Mom and her mom turned into besties also, since Addie and I were always together. My "Godmother" Joppy-G, well really Addie's Godmother (but I adopted her as my Godmother too) Gerry we call her Joppy-G, (long story) came. Then that made me lose it again. Joppy always to my rescue gave me another half xanax, lol.
Then I see a white guy that kinda looked like my bf, but this guy was wearing a SUIT! I figured he'd wear khakis and his white sweater (that's his definition of formal wear). When I saw my bf in a SUIT I ran to him and cried (not really about Mommy Cat), but the fact that my country lovin' (I hate the city) CT bf drove all the way to Queens w/ his mom to be with me and my family. Like, dude bought a suit! He looked good too! His stock just went way up in my book!
Than another girlfriend of mine walked in Dana. I've known her since kindergarten!! Her parents came too. I haven't seen her since her wedding two years ago, and I lost it again. Her mom handed out mini bibles...
The ceremony began and was peaceful and calming. Then it was my turn.... I've been a wreck trying to think about what to say. I really want to thank on of my fellow Beauty Bloggers Maria aka Emeria (HeyitsRIA). She recently lost a grandparent and she encouraged me to be brave and do the talk. I talked about my fun memories with Mommy Cat, like how she always poured my Gingerale in to a wine glass and put a maraschino cheery on top. I guess I did good (thanks to the Xanax). I didn't stammer my words or get choked up. People thought I memorized my talk but I had it typed out in front of me. I was proud that I had the courage and strength to do it, especially because the room was filled to the brim.
Then we proceed to the cemetery and apparently there was a problem. The grave diggers did not have the hole dug b/c the ground was frozen & hard. I got really pissed! Ummm, they have like machines! It's been very cold in NY for weeks. Have they not had any newcomers to the cemetary during the winter. The cemetary called the funeral home and told them the problem and the funeral home tried to stretch out time before we proceeded to the cemetary. The procession went really slow............. So we get to the cemetary and what do we get to watch?? The cemetary staff DIGGING MY GRANDMOTHERS GRAVE!!! We shouldn't of had to sit & watch that! I was PISSED!!! We had to sit in the limo for 20 mins and everyone else had to stay in their cars! Then my cousin Gerald knocked on the window. He thought maybe people were getting hungry and he happened to randomly have homemade epananadas, crossiants, and muffins in his car. He saved the day and fed everyone in the limo and the people waiting in their cars. Finally the cemetary decided they were ready, someone said a few words and everyone laid flowers on her casket and my mother and I laid white roses. I went back in the limo, then got back out to be alone for a minute and I told Mommy Cat to have "FUN, FUN, FUN" that was her motto. Then I said luv ya BYE! That's how we always ended our phone calls :)
The Repass after was nice the food was a-freakin'mazing! I got to see a lot of family members. Everyone was catching up, talking, laughing, & eating. It was really nice. My Aunt Jean's church congregation set everything up, served the food, & cleaned up. I thought that was very nice. I would like to know who made the RED VELVET CAKE!!! I had food-gazsims over & over. I love me some homemade Red Velvet cake. I brought some home. All the desserts were homemade and I tried them ALL. I'm such a piggie, but I had SPANXX on so I wasn't worried.
I would also like to thank my Lancome Voluminous mascara b/c I did a lot of crying and my mascara did not run!!!!
So I'm finally home. My mother says she'll be home later. My Dad is on his way home. They both stayed in Queens last night (my dad w/ his mom) & my mom in my grandmas apartment.
Unfortunaltly I'll be going to Syracuse soon. My Aunt Diane (my father's sisters) husband, my Uncle Emo has been in & out the hospital with congentitive heart failure. He just went back to the hospital for puemonia, and as of last night his kidneys failed, and his body is shutting down!!! They said he wouldn't make it through the night (last night), but I haven't heard anything yet. I booked my other grandma a flight to Syracuse for Friday morning. My dad didn't bring his laptop (shock, no seriously, I was shocked he does not leave the house w/o it). My grandma has dial up and it's impossible to book a flight with that. So that's why I had to haul ass back home to CT last night....
Like seriously can we catch a break?
2 ♥Say Something♥:
Hi there! Just swinging in to send my condolences to you & your fam. Sorry to hear about your "mommy cat". Shes in a better place now where she doesn't have to worry about the things we worry about down here like bills & stuff! =)
I love those perfume bottles! I always wanted one of those. Britney's Curious perfume comes in one of those but I don't like her perfumes. lol.
awwwww... :( I am sorry to hear about this. My condolences to you and your family. I know how hard it is to lose a love one. :( I love my grandmother to death and she's the one who took care of me since I was a baby. I coudn't imagine if I lose her. I'd probably die :(
Yes, be brave and just pray coz I know your mommy cat is in a better place now :)
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