I lied to myself, I said "no more retail for a least 2 weeks". I broke my promise :( I went to the mall today with intentions to get some exercise (it is too cold to be walking around outside). I enter though the MACY*S Mens Dept. b/c what could I want from there, opps the Mens' Dept. leads to the Cosmetics (MAC counter) and Handbags!! I headed straight upstairs. Then I see a denim sale. I really, really need a pair of new jeans, because I eat everything I see and I only own 1 pair that fits >_< . I donated all my "fat" jeans to Goodwill last year when I lost a ton of weight as a garantee that I'd never gain it back, b/c I wouldn't have pants (that's Kendall logic for ya)! Well gained weight and as my punishment I banned myself from buying bigger clothes! But these jeans were cute and I ate well all day today and plan to continue w/ my "Small Changes Plan". I only spent $24.99, and they were "
generic" jeans MACY*S brand Style&Co. I was very good in Sephora! I didn't buy a thing. I broke again at Litmann J
ewelers. I bought a pink heart charm & a stopper for my Zable Bracelet (new addiction). I only had the one charm that came with it and it's not pink and I had to fix that. That was it, then I was out & I got my exercise!

I also ran to Sally's b/c my Sally's card expired, so I had to get my $5 worth off stuff to make up for the $5 renewal fee (I also got a $5 coupon to use next month for renewing) so I kinda made $.
My next big Sally's purchase will be a 2'' or bigger curling iron so I can do some big sexy curls! I got some little stuff.

Nail Stuff ~ I'm going to do my own manis & pedis for a while.... So I needed supplies: new polish, Rush Speed Dry Top Coat (the bottle is huge), files, those stick things.
I got the Tweezerman Professional Folding Lashcomb that I heard great reviews about
thanks beauty bloggers.
Sally Girl Eyeshadow Triple Color thingy in Hi Life (I have no excuse for this purchase)
Some lashes and adhesive b/c one of my resolutions is to learn to do lashes.
I went to borders and got a book, I had a 40% off coupon that expires tomorrow and books don't count as spending money because they are an
educational expense. Even if the title of said book is "Candy Girl: A Year in the Life of an Unlikely Stripper" A memoir by Diablo Cody......
Whatev, I can't do too much damage tomorrow it's supposed to snow for like 2 days so I'm set for a bit.....
Ohh this week is a good TV week! Gossip Girl is back, 90210 version 2.0, Daddy's Girls (Vanessa & Angelas hair looks fab! I'm guessing 18''-22 inches!!), The City, Bromance, Jon & Kate + 8, The Real World BK, Rock of Love.... That's why I read books to equal out all the trashy TV that I watch.
1 ♥Say Something♥:
yaaaay you got the iLashcomb! isn't it amazing! i've been neglecting my false eyelashes lately just because this iLashcomb works amazing and well... I like putting it to use!
I hope you learn how to do lashes! Once you got them down, you'll be addicted to using them! hehe [:
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