I've received a few inquires from readers on my twitter and Facebook asking me how I really felt about my install from the Weave Express in Dunwoody.
I wanted to "clear the air" based on some comments I've received via email, twitter and Facebook. My thoughts and opinions about the salon are still the same. I wrote an unbiased review. I received no free services from the salon in exchange for a positive review. I did not tell the salon or the stylist that I was reviewing the salon.
I promise *pinky swear & bible* to always be fair and objective when I'm doing a product or service review. There's no benefit to me not doing so. Ok, so if someone was holding a gun to my head I might stray from that promise, but I doubt that would ever happen. I'll let you guys in on a little industry tip.. Most companies want an honest review. When bloggers are asked to review something we are asked to give an honest review good or bad. Companies take this information and sometimes use it to improve a product especially if the general opinion seems no so great.
I'm not speaking for every blogger out there. I'm only speaking for myself and my experiences. There really is no benefit in posting fake reviews. Losing my integrity as a blogger and a writer isn't worth some "free stuff"...
Now that's cleared up. :) On with my update, which isn't long at all because I'm still satisfied. I forgot to post my "inside shot" I was trying to be sneaky and snap an inside photo.
Don't tell shhh....
I got my hair installed about a month ago by Tiffanie, and a little over a month later I'm still happy with her work. My base is still secure. No loose braids. I'm still very satisfied with her work :) I'd recommend her to my mama, but my mom wears locs so there really wouldn't be a point. :) You can read my review here.
When I went to the other place that I reviewed I got annoyed because a few weeks later my base started to unravel. Which I found odd because I always use a net for my installs but parts of the perimeter braid started to become undone. :(
Luv Y'all!!
Mean It!!!

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