I was recently sent a PMD (Personal Microderm) System to review. It's an at home Microderm Abrasion kit that offers the same results as going to a Dermatologist, or Spa.
I was excited to test out the system because I'm getting older and I need to up my "prevention" routine. I'm starting to notice things about my face that I swear weren't there before (>_<) I also have some hyperpigmentation issues that I would love to never see again. It's less noticable when I'm wearing makeup and during the summer when my face has it's "summer glow", but I have to be careful and protect my face from the sun. Also I live in Atlanta and theres ozone issue here..
Its recommend to use the system once a week for the first few times. I've only had the opportunity to the system 3 times (once a week for the past three weeks).
The PMD System comes in a compact box with the following items:
1 Personal Microderm (duh)
6 Exfoliating Discs (2 green, 4 blue)
1 Electric Cord (to plug it in, it doesn't take batteries)
2 Caps
1 Reusable Filter (not pictured)
Breif Writtten Instructions and and an Instructional DVD (not pictured)
Watch the DVD, WATCH THE DVD, WATCH THE DVD!!!! I rolled my eyes too. I think I know everything. The written instructions are very brief. The DVD is not long at all about 10 minutes and it wasn't cheesy. The DVD covers everything you need to know in detail. It explains how to hold the unit, how to clean it, how to hold you skin taught while using the unit, it explains the difference between two disc sizes and colors.
Initial Thoughts ~I expected it to be quieter. It's not loud. It's slightly louder than an electric toothbrush (Crest Spinbrush Pro if you wanna get specific) The neighbors wont hear you, your roomate might. I would recommend turning the unit on and getting used to the sound before putting it on your skin. The sound was initially a little intimidating to me at first. That intimidation went away after the first use.
The suction scared me too a first. You really have to be comfortable and calm during your first try. Use it when your relaxed and when you have plenty of time.
The PMD is small but its powerful. It fit comfortably in my hand. I'm a lefty :) I had no lefty issues.
I'm not going to lie. It hurt the first time. I've never had Mircroderm Abrasion done before so I really didn't know what it was going to feel like or what to expect. The closest thing that I can think of to comparing the feeling to is taking a new nail file (a real gritty one) and rub it back and forth on the back of your hand. That's what it felt like to me. Even though it kinda hurt. It sorta felt good. Like I was freeing all the stuff off my face. Each use afterwards was less noticeable.
I was also sent 2 sample products from M2 Skin Technologies Skin Refinish 20% serum and M2 Skin Recovery Moisturizer. These two products are highly acidic and you should NOT use them after a PMD Treatment. I really fail at life. The first time I used the system I watched the DVD and took everything in the bathroom and set up my little home spa. I thought I re-read everything and I used the Skin Refinish after the PMD and I felt like my face was going to explode. Nothing has ever burned or stung me that bad in my life. It literally brought me to tears and lots of cold water and panic call to my moms office (she works in a Derm Practice 900 miles from me) Then I went into the other room and read the letter that came with the system and it said "Do not apply directly after a Personal Microderm Treatment-this would create an unhappy experience and would probably be very painful". I don't usually use "strong" language on my blog but "that sh!t hurt like a b!tch" ...
I also noticed that the next time I used the M2 Skin Technology products that I had a slight reaction to the products. It was also very hot here and I tend to break out in a very fine rash if I sweat a lot so I'm not sure what the culprit was. M2 Skincare products do look promising and I still want to test time out. I just have to introduce my face to products one at a time. I also was using a new sunscreen on my face too so I really thing it was too many new things on my face at one time.
Overall ~ My face does feel smoother. I can't really tell if my hyperpigmentation issues are improving because it's May and although I'm anal about sunscreen I am a bit "brown girl tanned" so I don't know if its the PMD System or the sun. I really feel that three weeks wasn't enough time to see long term results. I'd like to continue to use the product for a longer period of time and follow up later. Certain skin issues can take many treatments to see results.
This isn't mentioned in the instructional DVD or written instructions but I found that I prefer to use the PMD in the evening. I found that after a treatment my face kind of bothered me a bit. Not in a bad way, but lets be real your pretty much "blasting away" dead skin cells on your face. My skin is a little sensitive and I found that putting on SPF and makeup shortly after a treatment to be a little bothersome to my skin. Even though it says on the DVD that it is ok to do so. I prefer to use it at night when I know I'm not going to need to put on sunscreen or makeup right away.
You should be wearing sunscreen!!! If your using the PMD be extra diligent about sunscreen. You don't want to expose your new fresh face to the harmful sun! Also Microderm Abrasion can make your face more sensitive to the sun.
Overall Rating -♥ ♥ ♥/5 I'm still feeling neutral about this product. I feel that I need more time to really see the results that I am looking for. I plan to continue using it longterm. I also think that in todays world we expect to see immediate results ASAP and expect quick fixes and that isn't always going to happen.
Luv Y'all
Mean It!!!!

*FTC Disclosure [The product(s) mentioned in this review were sent to me to be reviewed. I was not paid to write this review]
1 ♥Say Something♥:
It hurt the first time? Nice!
I want to try it too now. If is hurts, it means that it's doing something... ;-)
Great review, Ms. K!
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