Yay NYX is having a sale! *dances*

Don't sit on this one but pay attention!! It looks as if there's some fine print... (>_<) I won't cop a 'tude since the price point here is $1.20... I will play by their rules.
1. No tools or brushes
2. There will be a limited about of products available.
3. It may take up to 3 weeks for shipping
4. Sale will consist of your favorite products???? Meaning everything wont be on sale (>_<)
4. The sale is from 12pm-12am. A 12 hour sale for their 12th anniversary.. Clever...
Don't party too hard tonight. You have some shopping to do in the morning tomorrow. It's the weekend. 12pm is considered morning....
Luv Y'all
Mean It!!!

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[...] Don't Say I Never Tell You Anything! NYX 12th Anniversary Sale … [...]
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