Monica: [insert southern accent] "Kendall look at what I got"!!!!!
Kendall: What?? Then I see this little head pop out her purse..
Monica: I got you and Imani a baby!. Your her mama.....
Kendall: You got Imani a puppy? She's 6..... *side eye* Y'all are never home?? You mean y'all are gonna train her and clean pee & poop?
Monica: Well your home all day.............
Kendall: *sideeye*
Puppies cry worse than babies with chronic colic...... >_<, the first night was SLEEPLESS!! She's lucky that she's sooo cute!!! We went out and got stuff she needed like a crate, toys, water dish & food bowl..I called a '"house meeting" and we set some ground rules for feeding, care, training....Until I find a job I'm the only one home so..... I have a feeling that Chloe is
She's actually a smart little bi!ch! It's day 3 and she's pretty much got the poop & pee outside down.. She's had a few accidents, usually when you take your eye off of her and she starts sniffing around.... At least she's little and her pee is tiny and her poops are super tiny, like smaller than a hersey's kiss...
She's very clingy... She likes to be around a person 24/7. As I'm typing this right now she's asleep on her back with her legs up and her head nuzzled under my butt....
Love Y'all!!!
Mean It!!

P.S. My blog may look a little funny b/c it's under construction by the fabulous Jaimie... Check out her work here...
12 ♥Say Something♥:
Awww, too cute!
i am a dog lover, so seeing your post made me want to reach out and give Chloe a big hug!
Aw, she's a cutie pie! =D
aww ur cousin is the best and the puppy is THEE cutest!
aww, she's really cute!
Awww Super cute!! LOL! "You're home all day..." Haha!!
Jack Russells are very intelligent. They're one of the smarter breeds. On the downside though, they're also one of the most hyper active ones. My friend had go give hers away, cuz she couldn't give it enough attention. :(
Gah -- and it's a jack russell! I've always wanted a jack russell, they're incredibly smart!!!
but they do require alot of attention.
but congratulations on your new addtion mama!!! Snuggle Monster!!!!
Cute pics!! Dogs are too cute! Love them!
Awwwaaa I friggin love her! Soo cute! Congrats mamma!
Agh..she seems so sweet!!! My cat was the same way when we 1st got him..clingy as hell & cried all night...
Some tips to get the cutie on your sleep schedule...wake her as often as possible when you're up..sounds mean, but you have to make sure she's tired at night. Then about an hour before you go to sleep play with her like crazy..wear her out!! After a few days of this she should adjust...hope that helps!
I second Tammy's advice - whenever my family would get a new dog (really, we've only had 2 dogs my whole life), we did the same things to get them on our sleep schedules. MG's parents have cats and they're nocturnal by nature, so they always tire the cats out before bedtime so they (MG's parents) can get some sleep without the cats roaming around all night.
She's a total cutie though! how can you not love that face? :)
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