Holla!!! All this only cost me $5!
E.L.F. Brushes!! I love E.L.F. Brushes!!!! They are super soft. Put up with my abuse and they don't shed.Foundation Brush, Total Face Brush, & Eyeliner Brush
Dual Sharper! I'm always losing these!!!
L.A.Colors ~ Shimmering Loose Eyeshadow w/ brush
The brush is useless & craptastic!!
It's kinda a pain because the pigment is like trapped in the bottom, which makes it 'knock over proof'.. I think the best way to use it is to pour some of the pigment on the back of your hand or a paper plate or something.
(no base, just swiped some on my wrist)
I got some other uncessesary stuff from the Dollar Store. I'll be back stalking it looking for more E.L.F. & L.A. Color stuff. They had a bunch of L.A. Color palettes, but I um owned all of the ones I saw.....
Here's my FOTN from last night. It's not a random FOTN because I actaully remember the date of this look. I was wearing a blue top so I wanted to do a blue eye but a dark blue almost denim like. I didn't want to look like summer. I noticed down here. It's more acceptable to wear bolder colors, maybe because it's warmer? IDK, so when in Rome......
Crap I Used...
Primer- Too Faced Shadow Insurance
Base- NYX Jumbo Pencil ~ Pacific (lid)
MAC Blacktrack (outer V & crease)
Urban Decay ~ Smog (highlight)
Oil Slick (outer V & crease)
Coastal Scents 88 Shimmer Palette (inner V & lower lashline)
Urban Decay 24/7 Liner Zero - Waterline
MARK ~ Liquid Liner (Upper lashline)
Lashes ~Faceshop XO
BUXOM Mascara
* Later added (while waiting for M&M pre-gaming) MAC Glitter Liner in Girl Grove. Which I love b/c it's a subtle clear glitter (looks white-ish in the tube). You can make it your own. The clearness pretty much "takes" to whatever color your wearing.
Set my hair with my Remington Hot Rollers (I was too lazy to return it). I acutally kinda like it now. I need another set of Hot Rollers. 20 isn't enough for all of "the hair"..... I need like 10 more rollers >_<

Cam-whoring while waiting for Monica & Milaka to get ready....
Hot Roller Set
CHI Helmet Head Hair Spray
Cam-whoring in the car.....
I was trying to do a "Peace Up... A-Town Down" pose but it wasn't working... The "to go juice hit me"...
Luv Y'all!
Mean It!!

Here's more info on the GA Move Over Law..... I'm posting this for Melissa & Jennifer! My Northeast babes who are moving to ATL shortly! It's kinda obvious to move over when you see the po-po doing their business on the side of the road, but here it's a law! It's a $500.00 law. In some states the fine is NO LESS THAN $1,000!!!
Georgia’s new Move-Over Law says drivers must move-over for emergency vehicles stopped on the side of the highway. The law is meant to keep officers AND traffic violators safe from crashes with passing cars.
The Move-Over Law was passed in the aftermath of growing numbers of police, emergency technicians and DOT workers being killed during routine traffic stops, crash responses and highway construction projects around the nation. Right now, more than thirty states have Move-Over Laws on the books, with fines that range as high as a thousand dollars or more in some jurisdictions. The Move-Over fine in Georgia is an “attention-getting” five-hundred-dollars.
However, failure to obey the Move-Over Law can lead to consequences far more serious than fines. According to FBI statistics, traffic crashes claim the lives of more police personnel than any other cause of death in the line of duty, including shootings. The FBI says last year, forty-nine officers died in crashes across the country. Thirteen of those law enforcement officers were struck and killed by passing vehicles while they worked outside their patrol cars.
“Georgia’s Move-Over Law was meant to reduce the number of injuries and fatalities to police officers, paramedics, firefighters, tow truck operators and highway maintenance workers,” said Director Bob Dallas of the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety. Reports show emergency vehicles of all types have been struck while parked beside Georgia highways, even while their emergency lights were flashing.
The Georgia Move-Over Law requires drivers to move-over one lane when possible if an emergency vehicle with flashing lights is parked on the shoulder of the highway. And if traffic is too heavy to move-over safely, the law requires drivers to slow down below the posted speed limit instead AND to be prepared to stop.
Move-Over-Law: Georgia Code, Title 40-6-16.
The operator of a motor vehicle approaching a stationary authorized emergency vehicle that is displaying flashing yellow, amber, white, red, or blue lights shall approach the authorized emergency vehicle with due caution and shall, absent any other direction by a peace officer, proceed as follows:
1. Make a lane change into a lane not adjacent to the authorized emergency vehicle if possible in the existing safety and traffic conditions; or If a lane change under paragraph (1) of this subsection would be impossible, prohibited by law, or unsafe, reduce the speed of the motor vehicle to a reasonable and proper speed for the existing road and traffic conditions, which speed shall be less than the posted speed limit, and be prepared to stop.
b. The operator of a motor vehicle approaching a stationary towing or recovery vehicle or a stationary highway maintenance vehicle that is displaying flashing yellow, amber, or red lights shall approach the vehicle with due caution and shall, absent any other direction by a peace officer, proceed as follows:
1. Make a lane change into a lane not adjacent to the towing, recovery, or highway maintenance vehicle if possible in the existing safety and traffic conditions; or
2. If a lane change under paragraph (1) of this subsection would be impossible, prohibited by law, or unsafe, reduce the speed of the motor vehicle to a reasonable and proper speed for the existing road and traffic conditions, which speed shall be less than the posted speed limit, and be prepared to stop.
b. The operator of a motor vehicle approaching a stationary towing or recovery vehicle or a stationary highway maintenance vehicle that is displaying flashing yellow, amber, or red lights shall approach the vehicle with due caution and shall, absent any other direction by a peace officer, proceed as follows:
1. Make a lane change into a lane not adjacent to the towing, recovery, or highway maintenance vehicle if possible in the existing safety and traffic conditions; or
2. If a lane change under paragraph (1) of this subsection would be impossible, prohibited by law, or unsafe, reduce the speed of the motor vehicle to a reasonable and proper speed for the existing road and traffic conditions, which speed shall be less than the posted speed limit, and be prepared to stop.
cViolation of subsection (a) or (b) of this Code section shall be punished by a fine of not more than $500.00 .
11 ♥Say Something♥:
love the eyes and your hair looks gorgeous! i was thinking about getting me some hot rollers too
I love ELF brushes too!!
Every freaking time I use hot rollers my hair slips out..plus I don't think I have the proper coordination to put them in properly..it always becomes this HUGE project..lol Love the curls on you.
I <3 your FOTD..you look great in blue!
And damn at that move over fine...that's HARSH!!!
wow im gonna def stop by the dollar general for the brushes
Hell yeah!! Dollar General! I told you they were awesome and just a buck! I'm so glad you went and got them!!
Your hair looks amazing, you need to do a tutorial on how to hot roll your hair. I always do it WRONGGGGG.
About that new law....just $500? GREAT! What the hell do the authorities think everyone is made of money? Its ridiculous!
Damn that's intense!
On a lighter note though, you look gorgeous! The rollers really work well!
We used to have a dollar store here.. it's gone now, I miss it. Stuff was crap, but hey it was $1! LOL!
Dang girl look at you looking all hot in blue!! LOL "to-go-juice"! And them curlers are really doing good for your hair! LOve the curls!
Sorry to hear about you guys getting pulled over! But every state has their different laws.
Elf brushes rock!! I love dollar store hauls.U look gorgeous in blue :D
You just turned me on to dollar stores. Now I'm going to stop the next time I see one.
your hair looks amazing!!!! anyhow, thanks for being understanding about my blog. yeah, it's kinda scary how your future/potential employers can look you up on facebook. i mean, all they have to do is put your email address in and find you online. it's kinda crazy! i'll still post about my life. just probably nothing work-related. there's a big thing about patient confidentiality. i don't want to cross any lines talking about what i did at work w/o getting that person's consent. it's just a big thing to take into consideration. hehe. but i'll be coming back. maybe doing a post tomorrow!
Look at you!! Gorgeous, love the hair! And yay for your dollar store finds!
Gorgeous Make-Up
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