Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Hi Y'all!!! I'm seriously slacking with the updates....  I've been trying to balance packing, school and a little bit of work and I'm going a little loca!!!!
 Hott Mess #1

Hott Mess #2

Hot Mess #3 (the other part of Hott Mess #2)

Hot Mess #4 (Hair & Makeup)

I'm leaving Saturday and I haven't even started to deal with my clothes and shoes!!!! It's soo overwhelming....  I really wish that the people from that Horder show on A&E would bring in their crew and pack this sh!t for me....
I also have to figure out what I'm doing to do with my fishy!!!  He can't stay here and I don't want to murder him....  I'm kinda hoping he'll have an untimely death by Friday night... I'm a straight up fish tank killer and this dude wont die he out lived every fishy in that tank.....
Oh my Peace Out CT Party was umm interesting!!  It was an intimate gathering of people who love me :)... Except the ex, he brought the new girlfriend and she wouldn't even look at me or say hello or come into the semi-private room where I was hosting my shin-dig!!!  Then my ex was like "I gotta go, but I came", then I got all "well I left my medals at home to pass out to people to came for 3 minutes, get out"!!!  Then I cried like a little kid, lol....  Then I got mad for crying and proceeded to let the bouncer and everyone know that I banned him from Maxwell's FOR LIFE!!!! :0) Can I ever have a drama free moment? If your new girlfriend doesn't like me because I exist DON'T BRING HER TO MY PARTY!!!  DUH!!!! Seriously Ms. New Girlfriend, him & I are just friends and we share joint custody of the dog! If I wanted him would I be MOVING to ATLANTA?? She shoulda brought me a going away present!
Unfortunately I didn't take to many pics because I was too busy adjusting my Spanxx and shoving umbrella's in all my drinks. I think I forgot to tell Cristina how to turn on the flash.  Tammy if you have any flattering pics please share!
Looks like a 5yr olds Bday, lol :)

 I took the umbrella thing too far....

See I seriously did, I was on a mission!

Me & Tammy (Not A Rich Girl)
Me, Tammy & Cristina (no blog Cristina)

Sorry Tony.... (I believe I was barefoot by this point)......

Sorry Tony.... (I believe I was barefoot by this point)......

Overall it was a great night!!!  I'm sooo happy I got to see Ms. Tammy again before I leave & some of my friends from college came.
But I must run....  Tons of school and packing left to do.......

Luv Y'all!
   Mean It!!!!

3 ♥Say Something♥:

wuzzyangel said...

Glad you had a good time at your party! Even with lil miss drama acting up!

You and Tammy look soo purrrdy!! And I know you'll get your HOT MESSES squared away by Sat. GL and Godspeed!!!

Tammy said...

Good luck with all of your packing doll!! It was great seeing you!! I think I only have 1 pic of us on my camera, I'll be sure to have it up this week on my blog.

Was Tony the bartender..?? Because he was HOT!! lol

Fabulously Thrifty said...

OMG you're on your way to ATL right now! I'm so excited for you and can't wait to see your first ATL post! I'll be joining you in a few months chica!