Monday, October 12, 2009

Almost There............

Hi Y'all!!
 I'm exhausted from the 1st half of my drive down...... So I'll let the pics speak for me...

Drove straight through from CT to Roanoke VA........

Supplies Needed.....

I'm off to bed..... Have to wake up early tomorrow and do it all over again :)

3 ♥Say Something♥:

wuzzyangel said...

Damn girl that's a DRIVE!! LOL! Glad to hear you made it this far safe! :) Stay safe now!!!

mayaari said...

quite the drive there - but a little dunkin makes it better :) you should try the rockstar energy drinks if you see them at a rest stop/7-11 - they're nicer than the monster drinks!

Miss.Fortune said...

ive wondered where u been. have a safe drive. let us know when u get there safely