Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My MAC Palettes ♥

Hi Y'all!!  I've been meaning to do a post on these for a while.  I was asked what's in my MAC Palettes and how I organized them.  So far I own 5 palettes. I use four of them and one I keep empty for traveling so when I go somewhere I pop in my "Fav 15"....
I labeled the fronts and backs of the palettes with my DYMO Label Maker! (I'm an office supply junkie too

#1 Purples & Blacks

 Twinks, Beauty Marked, Parfait Amour, Piosen Pen, Empty

Trax, Magnetic Fields, Vibrant Grape, Shadowy Lady, Crystal
Sketch, Star Violet, Plum Dressing, Idol Eyes, Carbon

#2 Neutrals & Highlights

Rite of Spring, Mythology, All That Glitters, Patina, Wood-Winked
Shroom, Retro Speck, Naked Lunch, Haux, ?
Nylon, Gorgeous Gold, Honesty, ?, Texture
Ok, I kinda messed up with the names with this palette when I was depotting so there are two Haux's & Patina's oppss.... If you can identify my little mistake let me know.

#3 Pinks, Organges & Greens

 Springtime Skipper, Humid, Jest, Sushi Flower, Gleam
Bitter, Sumptuous Olive, Firespot, Swish, Expensive Pink
Empty, Club, Fab & Flashy, Girlie, Pink Venus

#4 Blues

Steamy, Cool Heat, Prussian

I ordered the palettes during MAC SUMO sale a few months back, and I depotted using EnKore's  no heat tutorial on YouTube. I tried using the heat method but it was kinda stinky and I live with my parents and I can't be all up in my room inhaling melted plastic...  I'm not going to do a tutorial because there are like a million out there but here are some pics of the process...  Let's just say that I haven't bought a MAC e/s in a pot since I did it! I'm only buying pans now. Not a fan of mass depotting.....

All the crap! Yes there's a Hello Kitty band-aid up in there...

Micheal's sucks! They didn't have round magnets >_<

The whole point is to get the glue off! 91% rubbing alcohol or higher and some Q-tips will do the trick!

Sorry for the craptastic pic! It's supposed to show how I salvaged the names of the stickers and stuck them to the magnets it's really hard to see because the label is tiny.

To label the palettes I used a YT MAC Palette Labeling Tutorial using Excel! Super easy! After I was done. I used my paper cutter (I can't cut paper in a straight line *fail* and stuck them on with double sided tape. If anyone would like my file shoot me an email and I'll give it to you & it's already formatted.

So those are my babies!!!  It's so much easier with them in the palettes!!!!!  I had a divider in my drawer and they were all in there looking a hott mess.

Luv Y'all!
  Mean It

P.S. Please visit & subscribe to my ATL Moving/Life Blog, it's lonely.......

7 ♥Say Something♥:

wuzzyangel said...

Nice! Out of those 4 I only share 2 e/s with you! LOL! Parfait Armour and Expensive Pink!

But I do all my depotting with Enkore's no heat method too! And I have the same excel sheet! LOL!

Iyah Love said...

LOVE Your collection girl!! I love how you label them!! I need to label mine soon! :D

Vanessa M. said...

so many palettes!

Stephanie said...

Look at your palettes! Lucky!

mayaari said...

nice collection - I totally prefer the no heat method! knowing me I'd end up burning my hands or something depotting the other way, lol

whenever i go to MAC i always look at prussian...it's just so pretty :)

Sofia said...

I love all the palettes...great colors!!

Miley Cyrus Tickets said...

Nice collection of colors. it looks too trendy.good work