Yes I broke out my measuring tape to my order was correct, I don't play! Everything measured out perfectly. Each bundle is 4oz of hair (If I had a scale I'd weigh it, I know girls that will weigh it to make sure it's 4oz. If your familiar with Beauty Supply Store hair, 1 pack is about 4oz. A full head takes 8-10oz depending on the size of your head and whether or not you like a really full look.
The hair I ordered is Virgin Wavy it has a beautiful wave pattern!! I can also blow it out, flat iron, or work the waves. I love having options. I ordered from
There prices are amazing!!! They claim that they prices are about %50 less than most vendors. I only paid $105 for the 22'' bundle. Most vendors sell 22'' anywhere b/t $150-$200 +
Ok ladies this is the part where I want your help! I''m basically a pic thief.... I steal pics of peoples hair and save them in my "Weavspiration" folder in my computer (Dork & a thief).....
Just for fun I want to know which style you would pick for me.
#1 Cassie

Some of y'all probably have no idea what I'm talking about so here is some info.
~Virgin Hair 101~
What is Virgin, Full Cuticle, Remi/Remy Hair?
- Virgin hair is hair that is free of any chemical processing or altering. It is the pure, 100% natural human hair cut from the head of a single or multiple human donors. Virgin Hair is 99% of the time dark from Jet Black to Medium Brown.
- Full Cuticle hair refers to hair that has not been subjected to an acid bath cuticle removal or any chemical altering. All cuticles remain intact maintaining the integrity, strength, and sheen of each strand.
- Remy hair is hair that has been collected from the heads of women directly. Remy hair is collected in a method in which all hair strands stay aligned in the natural direction as it grew (i.e. holding the hair in a ponytail and cutting), top at top, and ends at ends, to maintain the natural texture pattern and cuticle direction. This eliminates tangling problem commonly found in non-Remy or low quality hair.
- About 90% of the human hair for sale (including commercial “remy”) by beauty supply stores and some online hair retailers has been heavily processed to achieve the look and feel. It is usually low quality, stiff and wiry hair of Asian (Chinese) origin, and sometimes mixed with synthetic and animal "filler" hair. Such hair is collected in a disorganized manner (tops/ends mixed up), stripped of its cuticles by soaking it in an acid bath, colored with metallic dyes, and further chemically processed to achieve certain textures. It arrives coated heavily in silicone, giving it a temporary "tangle free" nature and unnatural shine, which rinses away with the first few washes. Once the silicone coat is gone the significantly degraded hair leads to intense tangling, gathering, matting, stiffness, and dryness. Because the hair has been so heavily processed, it usually cannot handle any further processing (e.g coloring, perming, heating, curling, straightening). This type of hair is usually only good for one extension service and must be disposed of, leading to an expensive yearly cost if you are a frequent extensions wearer.
Additionally, there are some health concerns with the use of this type of hair. Skin and scalp allergies have occurred in people who are sensitive to the synthetic, animal, and chemically processed fibers found in commercial beauty supply store hair!
Don't forget to vote!!! My next appointment is Sunday July 11th!!!!
21 ♥Say Something♥:
Weavspiration, lol
the girl is not meagan good, I forgot what her name was?
anyways I pick #3
your hair wont look like any of those pictures because your fat, ugly, and dark as fuck. you suck at life.
Assholes... Anyway...
I think you'd look good with any of those styles. But I like Rabbit & Nicole PCD. Ultimately it's up to you and what YOU feel comfortable in. You'll look good no matter what! :)
i like kim kardashian! omg ewww to the loser anonymouse! delete that gurl! sooo rude and has no life!
Um #4 is not Megan Good. LMAO!
It's Drew Sidora.
But I say Cassie.
I like the cassie pic. Giiirrrll, i've been wearing tracks since the 11th grade!! lol. my bestie's ex bf (who is now got me on them and i'm obsessed with people with big beyonce hair.
I like both Cassie & Kim K.! I voted for Kim over on the right. :)
Dear Anonymous,
Thank you for making my day interesting!!! What a treat!! I woke up checked my email on my BB and I see drama, lol!!! How fun!! Wow, you must really be jealous of me! That's cute! I know who are and I can see why you'd be jealous of me but there really is no reason for that.
1. I'm looking for a hair style, I'm not trying to "look like" the woman in any of the pics I posted.
2. I'm not fat. No I'm not skinny, but I don't want to be very thin. I embrace my curves, all woman should. I rock a size 14. Same size a Marilyn Monroe. The average US woman is a size 14! Goggle that....
3. Yes, I'm dark. I forgot that people are still caught up in the light skin vs. dark skin debate. Darn it I fail the paper bag test, guess that would make me a field slave, lol.... Black is beautiful regardless of what side of the color spectrum we fall into. I'm a NW50 and it's all good with me.
4. I don't suck at life, my life is great!
I'm going to deal with you like the lady I am because I am grown, and I don't have to stoop down to your level. If you have a problem with me please be an adult and talk to me in a grown way. Feel free to email me. Stop hating yourself through me. You sound like you need Jesus. I will pray for you.
So drink up your hater-aid, and grow up.
PS I know who you are, and please don't continue to act a fool b/c I may have to put my sneakers on, take my jewelery off, pull my hair back and whoop your lame ass! Don't test me. :)
I will CUT that anonymous trick down! If you had any balls, you wouldn't be anonymous.
I like the Kim K look..I want that hair!
i really like cassie's hair :) and you should delete that anonymous comment. its so rude. don't be affected by it ok.
i like lauren london's style. cuz you can always just curl it later to get kims', cassie's or meagan's look.
i like cassies and kim k!
I like Cassies and Kim own :)
Wow! What a bitch. Rawrrrrr! But I totally love how you handled the situation, you go girl!
Hands down for Cassie! It'll look full and curly with tons of volume! Then you can whip your hair around like a badass! =)...
WOW @ that Anonymous comment. lol Obviously too chicken shit to come out and show their identity = they dont matter which = THEY SUCK AT LIFE!
You keep doing your thing beautiful, dont mind the haters. They are FUEL TO YOUR FIRE! You know you're doing something right when you have haters.
I love Nicole's hair and Kim's,and Cassie's. I think you would rock out any one of those looks to the max!
Hi babe~ you tell em girl! what a lame hater,, hating does nothing for em just makes them uglier.. :D
but anyways that hair is gonna look gorgeous on you! I always wondered where the real hair extensions came from hehe
I'd go for Cassie! Such beautiful long wavy hair! Yay for weave!! I can't wait to see what you're going to do :)
Btw, About the cactus cooler, its a very popular drink. It is very fruity as it has some Orange Juice, Redbull, vodka in it. It depends on what bar you go, they have diff recipes :) Go order! Lemme know how you like it :)
OMG pls delete that long ass pam comment lol.
post reply: LMAO girl u are so crazy, u rock some 22's in this heat, much respect!! Im with 14inches, though it feels longer
I like #7. I think that hair suits you best.
And Ewww...I hate when people don't have the balls to leave a name. It's like, you're man/woman enough to leave a comment, but not enough to leave your name? Wow...that's middle school/high school crap.
WooHoo! I have to try a cactus cooler Iyah recommended! Next time I go out, it's on!! =)
Weavspiration! lol That is some really pretty virgin hair! Looks soft and shiny.
Cassie all the way! Hers looks natural and wearable. The Jmag model's would be nice for a night out, and Nicole's would be nice every now and then too.
Oh dang, you girls say that about my eyebrows in pics but if you could see them in person, they're a mess right now! Time for me to groom. =P
Happy 4th!!
This is just the information I am finding everywhere. Thanks for your blog, I just subscribe your blog. This is a nice blog..
girl hair cutting style name
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