Saturday I planned a little "Girls Night In" at my place because my parents went away for the weekend ( that sound so juvenille, but I hate being alone in this house, it's creepy, I live in an isolated patch of woods, I dunno whats out there....Coyotes, Foxes, Hawks, Bugs......) Everyone bailed at the last minute, except my Cristina!!! Which was perfectly fine. Some people rather go out & be "scene" but there's no "scene" here but whatev. Cristina brought over a bottle of Champange & Strawberries!!!!

So we "vegged" out and listened to 90's music on TV, drank and did our usual sh!t talking and as the night went on I decided to call the "ex" bf to see if he and the old crew wanted to stop by..... Well apparently the "ex" said "I'm busy, I'm hanging out with a NEW GIRL". Umm, yeah were friends and all but you don't tell your drunk ex-gf that your hanging out with a new girl!!! I felt, REPLACED!!! So what did drunk Kendall do....... I told that "ex" that he's a BAD friend becasue he PROMISED that he would take me out to dinner for my bday and that I don't even wanna go with him and to have a nice life, & that I hated him and that I'm coming to get my sh!t ASAP & a bunch of other immature drunk stuff that I'm not going to share!! It's not jeaously, were over. It would never work, for a lot of "personal" reasons that I don't want to get into. I was just pissed that he told me that he was with a "new girl"........ Y'all this is going to sound so dumb and immature but I WANTED TO MOVE ON FIRST!!!! Every bf I dated gets married to the next girl within a year or two. It's happened 3 times!!! I'm the girl you date for 3yrs + then we break up then he gets to live "happliy ever after".... Where the hell is my happly ever after!!! So my night ended in drunkin' tears and "girl power" chants. Then Cristina wanted to come up to my room and see my makeup stash and I completly forgot about the "ex"...... After Cristina left, I felt sad again and drunk twittered, & drunk AIM'ed poor Tina Marie. Thanks for letting my cry on your shoulder via AIM, girl, it really meant a lot to me. I owe you a plate of Carne Asada Fries!! Then drunk dialed my cousin Krissy in Korea, (I called her cell which is a US number, I was drunk but not insane) she broke it all down for me and she's right, it's just not my time. She also made me realize that it's time to change my life!! She also told me that she's going to bring me back all kinds of Koren makeup, lashes, candies & goodies!!! I'm been miserable in CT ever since I went to the DMV and surrendered my NY State License! I was miserable here before I met the "ex", we were happy, but the last 1yr of our relationship was a big waste of time for the both of us. He was just a distraction keeping me here. So something really BIG, NEW & EXCITING changes will be coming up in the next few months. When I'm sure about it I will tell y'all!!!! The "ex" did call me today about being shady on Saturday. It just sucks because I still want to be friends with him because I hardly know anyone around here and I lost some "friends" in the breakup.
Sunday was Easter, we didn't do anything, I was pissy because the mall was closed. Even the Chinese Restaurant was closed so when my parents came home we had a special Easter Dinner at Outback, lol. Sorry, no food porn but I ordered The No Rules Parmesan Pasta~
Fettuccine noodles tossed in a creamy Parmesan cheese sauce. Up the flavor with the addition of grilled shrimp, scallops or chicken breast, or choose two. I chose grilled shrimp & scallops......
So today Monday, was another hard day for me. Me & My Mommy drove to Queens, NY to deal with paperwork to settle out my Mommy Cat's apartment.... Of course I hit up the Beauty Supply for some hard to get in CT items....
Mesh Wrap- I can't find them in CT, I'll do a tutorial about wrapping your hair to keep it straight & Silky- $/199
- Hair Net Sheet- For my next install. When I can find them around here, I pay anywhere from $5-$7. I got this one for $.199
- Eye Brow Razors (3 for $2.99)
- Sassi Lashes #47 - $2.49
- Fresh Look Contacts Green -$20.00 for two pair
- Clear Mascara for my brows- $1.99
- NIKA Lip Pencil- My HG lipliner shade Plum Brown $1.99
I'm out, I wanted to write about a Special Bday delivery that I recieved today from Hott Darling, in Texas, but I'm exhusted from being in NY all day and moving car, besides it's 3:10am I probably should have my brown behind in bed now!
11 ♥Say Something♥:
Don't worry, mami. boys are stupid! I'm sure you'll find one someone totally better than him in time. Don't wanna rush into some rebound he did. hehe. And that nuvo is good stuff!
Hey girl,
First things first! if you havent went to coin star yet, then dont do it!
I did a lil googling & found something in CT that doesnt charges u any fees. I dont know if this is near u but check it out.
We use to have a vending business and had a million coins every week. I have a coin counter machine at home that counts the coins and I just dump them all into this thick plastic bank deposit coin bag that your bank offers.
Coinstar robs you!
If you dont have a free service near you, perhaps you can run off to walmart or sams club and "borrow" a machine,use it, then return it. lol
No need for wrappers. Just go to your bank ,ask for a coin deposit bag, run ur change all in the machine, and throw it all into the bag while making note of how much it is.
Thats all! =)
Melon Bacardi and Sprite is bommmmbbbb! I love that combo. I know what you mean about being the girl that a guy is with for however long and then he gets the happily ever after and you don't. It's happend to me a couple times but just remember that your time will come when you least expect it and whatever their happy was yours will be so much better!!
ryc-yes justice was served, sort of. lol there was a little prob with the stuff inside but as much as i wanna say something i figure i'll just leave it alone. I love getting and sending stuff too all my boxes and stuff are in a corner of my closet it's starting to get crazy! lol it's fun though!
mamas! don't worry about the ex..he just doesn't know what he's missing.
if you went to the IMATS i'd be such a happy gal! i wanna meet your crazy/funny/lush ass! save up those coins and let's get this show on the road!
and i agree..NO COINSTAR! take that shizz to the bank :)
oooo strawberries n champagne!
i've been wanting to try nuvo.. just not feeling the price lol
fuck the ex and the "new girl"!
u don't need him
and thanks for that comment u left.. it was soo nice! =] it made me wanna cry lol
oo and i'm sorry about your Mommy Cat <3
i know i'm extra late.. i thought i commented on that post but i guess i didn't =[
Hope you're feeling much better bout the ex stuff. Your time will come too babe
yes you must get the bag! it's awesome. hehe
Girl you live in the woods in CT?! I give you props!! I don't think I could do that!
Well I'm glad your friend came over to keep you company! That Cham & Straw looks gooood!! And screw the ex!! He was just trying to get a reaction out of you for sure...
Nice little haulie there too!! Feel better Kendall!! :)
omg that drink looks yummmmy! sorry about the ass of an ex!! one day you will find someone worthy of you. It happens when you're not l
Mmm strawberries & champagne sounds yummy! I want! *grabs a glass*
Hope you're feeling better about the whole situation with your ex. Trust me, everything will work out one day. You will find someone when the time is right! For now, enjoy being the beautiful, independent person that you are. :)
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