I've been out of control with my spending on beauty products. Thankfully I've been using cash or my debit card and not charging things. I don't even have a "full-time" job. My nanny gig is only going to last for two more weeks. I've been spending too much money on "stuff". Yeah so March 7th is THIS SATURDAY & that's it for me!!! Ok so I made some rules on what counts as a "product". Lets say my Studio Fix powder compact falls on the floor & cracks into a million pieces. I can get a new one because it's considered an everyday product, like underwear. If my BB Cream or MAC MSF disspeared I can't replace it because I don't use those items everyday. I try to put makeup on everyday. I prevents me from taking random naps, lol. I don't know why but if I put on my face and do my hair I wont take a nap. If my flat iron breaks I'm getting a new one! Sorry y'all it's still to cold up here to go out with damp hair everyday. Lets say the Hello Kitty Brush set becomes availible again, that doesn't count because it's a "collectors item" and I am lacking in the basic brush department. Lets say I run out of moisturizer, doesn't count I can't be walking around with dry ashy skin. Bascially no NEW stuff that I don't NEED. Like I WANT more Paintpots (thanks Vanessa!), but I don't need any. March's Pretty Pink Box doesn't count either because it would only be my 2nd box & I don't want to miss out.
This is going to be hard. Especially because I'm dealing with a break up and I make myself feel better by buying stuff, but it's time to deal.
I need to save up for my trip to ATL this summer. I also want to visit my cousin in Korea. Maybe it will help me appreciate stuff a little more. During this time instead of hauling I'm going to work on my technique. Sometimes I feel like my posts are boring if I have nothing new to show but I need to get over that. I need to learn how to make what I already new again. My blending skills need some work, I want to expand my "color palette", I have so many colors that I've never tried or played with & I want to get my lash application on POINT! I think I can do this. I just have to get my black behind to the M.A.C. counter before Saturday! I just need one little thing, then I'm going to start! Thankfully there's no Ulta near me, although I was planning a little roadtrip, but I'll postpone it. Oh & the week of April 5th doesn't count b/c it's my b-day week and I have to get myself presents. Especially because I wont be spending my b-day with a certain person this year. So I'll extend the challenge till April 11th. I need a sponser. I need a network of support!!!
Do you think you can do it? Who knows maybe I'll have enough extra cash to get myself to the IMATS in LA............. Anyone want to shelter me?
P.S. Presents & gifts don't count as a part of this challenge if an item is gifted to me during the challenge I will accept it. I don't want to be rude :p. Now if I ask for a present and say "I'll pay you back after April 10th that's cheating. Oh gifts for other people don't count as long as I don't pick up one for myself too.
I'm also going to need a sponser. So hit me up on AIM, Facebook or Twitter. I may have some "low points".
This is going to be hard. Especially because I'm dealing with a break up and I make myself feel better by buying stuff, but it's time to deal.
I need to save up for my trip to ATL this summer. I also want to visit my cousin in Korea. Maybe it will help me appreciate stuff a little more. During this time instead of hauling I'm going to work on my technique. Sometimes I feel like my posts are boring if I have nothing new to show but I need to get over that. I need to learn how to make what I already new again. My blending skills need some work, I want to expand my "color palette", I have so many colors that I've never tried or played with & I want to get my lash application on POINT! I think I can do this. I just have to get my black behind to the M.A.C. counter before Saturday! I just need one little thing, then I'm going to start! Thankfully there's no Ulta near me, although I was planning a little roadtrip, but I'll postpone it. Oh & the week of April 5th doesn't count b/c it's my b-day week and I have to get myself presents. Especially because I wont be spending my b-day with a certain person this year. So I'll extend the challenge till April 11th. I need a sponser. I need a network of support!!!
Do you think you can do it? Who knows maybe I'll have enough extra cash to get myself to the IMATS in LA............. Anyone want to shelter me?
P.S. Presents & gifts don't count as a part of this challenge if an item is gifted to me during the challenge I will accept it. I don't want to be rude :p. Now if I ask for a present and say "I'll pay you back after April 10th that's cheating. Oh gifts for other people don't count as long as I don't pick up one for myself too.
I'm also going to need a sponser. So hit me up on AIM, Facebook or Twitter. I may have some "low points".
14 ♥Say Something♥:
lol goodluck with the challenge!!!!
YAY another addict joining in on the challenge! I know it will be hard, but we can do it. I'll keep track of you on Twitter LOL!
Here's to a no-product-buying month! ;D
ur silly!!
my next next video..ill do a small recording of my little set up so you can see and laugh at how ghetto it is!!!
and i'm sure you'll do fine with your makeup challenge!! i was on a no makeup buy for like 2 months..it's easier then it seems cuz if you think about it..you probably have all the colors you'll ever need..its the limited edition collections that kill ya!
Awww, thanks for linking to my site! I'm glad you're doing this challenge. PUAHAHA! Your exemptions are hilarious! I made one exemption and your lists is sooo long! You're hilarious! I think you've thought of every possible situation to date. Now, don't go off and break your makeup so that you can get your foot into a MAC store or counter. LOL!
I'll be your support! You'll have to be mine too! Unfortunately, I haven't started a twitter account, but maybe it's time that I should?
(sigh) very low self control, I dont think i want to torture my self. though i once did no shopping for clothes etc for a few months.
aww i have a friend n Korea that i want to visit. u'll def have fun when u come to atl
LoL..you crack me up!! That's a lot of exceptions there Kendall..You can do it though..I think it'll be fun and forceful way to make you play and experiment with everything you've all ready got
Goodluck with the challenge! :)
I wish I can do it! But its just hard considering all of these collections coming out :(
Yeah I love black track :) you should get it before the challenge starts :)
LOL i love your "no" icons LOLOL
seriously i need to stop spending. actually I HAVE. haha
i gotta pay off this stupid debt.
im so tired of owing money.
i hope we both can stick to not buying "products'..
i'm doing it too girl!
..my wallet needs it!.
good luck! :)
Wishing you the very best of luck for the challenge! :)
oohhh if my wallet were soooo lucky...lol too bad i have no self control!!! lol good luck girl!! ♥
Girl, yes!! the 1st day is the hardest!! :(
lol. you're so funny, you have so many exceptions. i'm trying to be more strict. but i'm using your.. "if it's a gift, i'm not going to say no.. it's rude" hahaah. i completely agree! but for me.. absolutely no hauling on any type of product.. friday i bought me NARS lipgloss and got my hair done.. but i didn't buy any hair products cause well i have a billion and one of them! haha. well good luck to us then! i know this is gonna be hard! :P
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