Hi y'all! So I recently finished two hella funny books!
Book #1
Candy Girl A Year in the life of an Unlikely Stripper. A Memoir by Diablo Cody.
What Amazon says: A copy typist by day in Minnesota, Cody was hardly a likely candidate for entering an amateur stripping contest. But her curiosity got the best of her and, encouraged by her boyfriend, enter she did. The contest left her with an increased curiosity about the profession, and Cody decided to take an evening job stripping at Schieks, a local club. There Cody learns the ins and outs of stripping--how to catch a client's attention, how much the house takes, how some nights are highly profitable and others leave a stripper in debt to the club. Eventually Cody outgrows Schieks and moves on to Deja Vu, a bigger club that's much faster paced. A promotion at her day job forces her to give up stripping temporarily, but before long she's back in the adult entertainment business, this time stripping behind glass in an emporium. Cody's lively romp through the adult entertainment business is bound to appeal to those wanting a peek inside the inner workings of the sex industry. Kristine Huntley Copyright © American Library Association
What Kendall Says: This book was HELLA entertaining and funny! It was a total page turner. I was hooked! I think I finished it in 3 days, and if I didn't have a ton of sh!t to do I woulda finished it in one sitting! It lists the Top 10 Worst Songs to Strip To & The Ten Best Songs to Strip To & The Ten Worst Stripper Names.
I always was curious about what goes on behind the scenes at a strip club. For some odd reason I've always been fascinated with strip clubs, poles, & stripper shoes. In college there was a strip club near campus called the Blue Moon Cabaret. We piled up in the car and went. was a strip club near campus called the Blue Moon Cabaret. We piled up in the car and went. Me and my girl Shar started talking to some of the "working ladies" and they encouraged us to borrow there stripper dresses and hoe shoes and twirl on the pole!! We couldn't say no! We made $22 in one song! (NO I didn't get all nekked, just showed some of my ample boobage ( . ) ( . ) I seriously thought it may be a total career option, you know once you get used to the ankle breaking stripper shoes, but the next morning when I woke up not as drunk I decided to stick with the college thing, lol....when I Sometimes me & the b/f go to a skanky place near his house called Mr. Happy's, lol. The drinks are really cheap! Then there was a creepy Russian stripper who tried to make out with me in the bathroom and that was the end of that. I kissed a girl and I DIDN'T LIKE IT!!! Maybe because she didn't have Cherry Chapstick on........ Oh, then we read in that paper that some girl OD-ed en el bano and we never went back. I can't pee in a bathroom where someone died, ewww.
Book #2
My Horizontal Life- A Collection of One-Night Stands by Chelsea Handler
What Amazon Says: Opening with a cute story from when she was seven and photographed her parents having sex, stand-up comedian Handler goes on to discuss the virtues of the one-night stand, which amount to having sex early enough so you're not months into a relationship before you discover he's into "anal beads and duct tape." She discusses her quest for sex with a "black man," which doesn't work out because the date she finds on ChocolateSingles.com has a penis so large, she "would have had to be the size of the Lincoln Tunnel to accommodate that thing." After him, there's a "little midget," but she sobers up before sleeping with him. Next come a number of would-be partners with penises too small to consider. Finally, there's a guy Handler does sleep with, only an embarrassing incident involving a "giant skid mark" prevents her from seeing him again. By the end, Handler considers settling down with one man, which might actually net her more sex than these mostly unconsummated one-night stands. Anyone who laughs at the mere mention of vaginas and penises may find Handler's book almost as much fun as getting drunk and waking up in some stranger's bed.
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
"Prime reading material for anyone looking to laugh their hiney off." (About.com )

What Amazon says: A copy typist by day in Minnesota, Cody was hardly a likely candidate for entering an amateur stripping contest. But her curiosity got the best of her and, encouraged by her boyfriend, enter she did. The contest left her with an increased curiosity about the profession, and Cody decided to take an evening job stripping at Schieks, a local club. There Cody learns the ins and outs of stripping--how to catch a client's attention, how much the house takes, how some nights are highly profitable and others leave a stripper in debt to the club. Eventually Cody outgrows Schieks and moves on to Deja Vu, a bigger club that's much faster paced. A promotion at her day job forces her to give up stripping temporarily, but before long she's back in the adult entertainment business, this time stripping behind glass in an emporium. Cody's lively romp through the adult entertainment business is bound to appeal to those wanting a peek inside the inner workings of the sex industry. Kristine Huntley Copyright © American Library Association
What Kendall Says: This book was HELLA entertaining and funny! It was a total page turner. I was hooked! I think I finished it in 3 days, and if I didn't have a ton of sh!t to do I woulda finished it in one sitting! It lists the Top 10 Worst Songs to Strip To & The Ten Best Songs to Strip To & The Ten Worst Stripper Names.
I always was curious about what goes on behind the scenes at a strip club. For some odd reason I've always been fascinated with strip clubs, poles, & stripper shoes. In college there was a strip club near campus called the Blue Moon Cabaret. We piled up in the car and went. was a strip club near campus called the Blue Moon Cabaret. We piled up in the car and went. Me and my girl Shar started talking to some of the "working ladies" and they encouraged us to borrow there stripper dresses and hoe shoes and twirl on the pole!! We couldn't say no! We made $22 in one song! (NO I didn't get all nekked, just showed some of my ample boobage ( . ) ( . ) I seriously thought it may be a total career option, you know once you get used to the ankle breaking stripper shoes, but the next morning when I woke up not as drunk I decided to stick with the college thing, lol....when I Sometimes me & the b/f go to a skanky place near his house called Mr. Happy's, lol. The drinks are really cheap! Then there was a creepy Russian stripper who tried to make out with me in the bathroom and that was the end of that. I kissed a girl and I DIDN'T LIKE IT!!! Maybe because she didn't have Cherry Chapstick on........ Oh, then we read in that paper that some girl OD-ed en el bano and we never went back. I can't pee in a bathroom where someone died, ewww.
Book #2

What Amazon Says: Opening with a cute story from when she was seven and photographed her parents having sex, stand-up comedian Handler goes on to discuss the virtues of the one-night stand, which amount to having sex early enough so you're not months into a relationship before you discover he's into "anal beads and duct tape." She discusses her quest for sex with a "black man," which doesn't work out because the date she finds on ChocolateSingles.com has a penis so large, she "would have had to be the size of the Lincoln Tunnel to accommodate that thing." After him, there's a "little midget," but she sobers up before sleeping with him. Next come a number of would-be partners with penises too small to consider. Finally, there's a guy Handler does sleep with, only an embarrassing incident involving a "giant skid mark" prevents her from seeing him again. By the end, Handler considers settling down with one man, which might actually net her more sex than these mostly unconsummated one-night stands. Anyone who laughs at the mere mention of vaginas and penises may find Handler's book almost as much fun as getting drunk and waking up in some stranger's bed.
Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
"Prime reading material for anyone looking to laugh their hiney off." (About.com )
What Kendall Says: This book was off the chain hella funny. I totally couldn't put it down. Chelsea had me laughing my ass off! I laughed so hard that I spit Taco Bell in the book! I'm definitely going to order her other book Are You There, Vodka? It's Me Chelsea I'll read it during my "downtime" from school. Ha I have no downtime. I'm taking three, four credit courses and they are kicking my ass!
Sorry my lovely Beauty Bloggers I have NADA to report on the Beauty front >_< . No hauling while I was in Syracuse :( I did go to Joann's and got six pieces of Scrapbooking Paper for 96 cents!!!!I found the BB Cream that I'm going to order!!! I can't wait to do my experiment ""BB Cream for Brown Girls" I'm also going to wake up super early tomorrow (yes 10am EST is super early for me b/c I study all night until 3am or later) to order my very 1st PRETTY PINK BOX!!!!
I'm also trying to collect funds for the MAC Hello Kitty collection. My b/f said I could take the beer cans to the recycling place! We haven't turned in cans since the summer. My bf drinks a lot of BEER, and his friends come over and drink tons of beer. I made $50.00 last time I recycled cans! It's totally gross b/c some cans have like spit or cigarette butts in them so I have elbow high gloves and it helps a lot!
Thanks again, for all of your kind words during my time of like two close family members passing so close together. Your kind words, and reading your blogs definitely continue to cheer up everyday! Missing Mommy Cat pains my heart. I never knew what a broken heart felt like. Yesterday was my Mom's b-day but she canceled it :( She doesn't want to celebrate her b-day without her Mommy, but I got her two cards (it's a tradition we have, one serious & mushy and the other funny), I also got her a dozen roses (rainbow all colors). When she's ready to celebrate I told her "You can do whatever you like"...... My dad is retarded, he didn't even give her a card. I know she said she was ignoring her b-day, but seriously Dad, come on you should of done something even if it was small.

Oh the bf scored major points today!!! I haven't seen him in so long since 1/23 and before that I was back and forth to NY helping my mom with stuff for Mommy Cats arrangements. He called me today from Big Y (supermarket here in CT and some of the Northeast) and he asked me what snacks I wanted for the Superbowl. He doesn't do stuff like that. He's reaching out and making an effort! Sometimes the small stuff and small gestures are the ones that mean the most! I never even told him that I was definatley coming over b/c I went back to NY with my Mom today. He bought, Tacquitos, Frozen White Castle Cheeseburgers, (he knows how much I miss White Castles there are NO White Castles in CT >_< ) T.G.I. Friday's Monzerella Sticks and he made sure that my fav Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi was in the fridge.... ♥
Ok ladies, I'm out!!!
Ohh do y'all like the new layout let me know? My next mini project is to make a nice banner mine is a little homegrown and "ghetto" heheh
Sorry my lovely Beauty Bloggers I have NADA to report on the Beauty front >_< . No hauling while I was in Syracuse :( I did go to Joann's and got six pieces of Scrapbooking Paper for 96 cents!!!!I found the BB Cream that I'm going to order!!! I can't wait to do my experiment ""BB Cream for Brown Girls" I'm also going to wake up super early tomorrow (yes 10am EST is super early for me b/c I study all night until 3am or later) to order my very 1st PRETTY PINK BOX!!!!
I'm also trying to collect funds for the MAC Hello Kitty collection. My b/f said I could take the beer cans to the recycling place! We haven't turned in cans since the summer. My bf drinks a lot of BEER, and his friends come over and drink tons of beer. I made $50.00 last time I recycled cans! It's totally gross b/c some cans have like spit or cigarette butts in them so I have elbow high gloves and it helps a lot!
Thanks again, for all of your kind words during my time of like two close family members passing so close together. Your kind words, and reading your blogs definitely continue to cheer up everyday! Missing Mommy Cat pains my heart. I never knew what a broken heart felt like. Yesterday was my Mom's b-day but she canceled it :( She doesn't want to celebrate her b-day without her Mommy, but I got her two cards (it's a tradition we have, one serious & mushy and the other funny), I also got her a dozen roses (rainbow all colors). When she's ready to celebrate I told her "You can do whatever you like"...... My dad is retarded, he didn't even give her a card. I know she said she was ignoring her b-day, but seriously Dad, come on you should of done something even if it was small.
Oh the bf scored major points today!!! I haven't seen him in so long since 1/23 and before that I was back and forth to NY helping my mom with stuff for Mommy Cats arrangements. He called me today from Big Y (supermarket here in CT and some of the Northeast) and he asked me what snacks I wanted for the Superbowl. He doesn't do stuff like that. He's reaching out and making an effort! Sometimes the small stuff and small gestures are the ones that mean the most! I never even told him that I was definatley coming over b/c I went back to NY with my Mom today. He bought, Tacquitos, Frozen White Castle Cheeseburgers, (he knows how much I miss White Castles there are NO White Castles in CT >_< ) T.G.I. Friday's Monzerella Sticks and he made sure that my fav Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi was in the fridge.... ♥
Ok ladies, I'm out!!!
Ohh do y'all like the new layout let me know? My next mini project is to make a nice banner mine is a little homegrown and "ghetto" heheh
2 ♥Say Something♥:
Recycling is fun! I actually just recycled for the first time a few weeks ago since we actually have room now for storage! we made $27. lol. This was all from water bottles. No beer!
and yes, I like your new layout! =))
i actually went driving around korea town on friday looking for freakin L'egere BB cream but no luck. I didnt know there are a million diff brands of BB creams!
i might end up trying a diff brand or buying off ebay. all these crazy reviews on blogger has made me really want it!
Cant wait to see your tutorial on "BB cream for brown girls"..heehhe!
I live in Cali! We can cash in for anything that we pay CRV for..such as water bottles,cans,sunny delight bottles..wine bottles...stuff like that! lol
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