I'm bored! Christmas Eve is not turning out so well. So I'm copying and pasting this from my MySpace.
What's your favorite ornament hanging on your tree?
A photo ornament I made of my dog Joey who died in 2000.
What's better: Sledding or Snow Angels? Angels
Do you put marshmellows in your hot chocolate? If I have some around.
Do you still get pictures with Santa? lol...no.
What's your favorite holiday food? Cookies!! .
What do you want for Christmas this year? For my bf not to be a stank moody person!!!!
Did you go shopping on Black Friday? Hells no!
Are you on the naughty or nice list? I'm on the way too nice for my own good list.
Give one reason why you think you're on the list you chose. Because I'm too FREAKIN' nice!
Do you have fake trees or real trees? Faux
Are you good at guessing what's inside the presents?
No How early do you get up on Christmas morning? Late, I usually have too much "merry" on Christmas Eve.
Do you have a system for opening presents at your house? No
How many days before Christmas do presents start appearing under your tree? Day before Christmas Eve. So Christmas Eve's Eve??
What's your favorite Christmas decoration? My Joey ornament and stuff I made when I was little
Do you like icicle lights?
Are you good at making Gingerbread houses? i never had :-(
Does it snow where you live?All the time
If not, do you wish it did? Hell no! I'd move if I could.
Do you use advent calendars to count down the days til Christmas? At school when I was little
What event lets you know that Christmas is coming up? When my mom starts getting really anal about cleaning non-existant dustbunnies
What's your favorite holiday drink from Starbucks? Pumpkin latte!
Do you like red or green better? Red Do you eat candy canes?
Yeah Have you ever made it on the news because your house is so decorated?
No How many Christmas songs do you know by heart?
A lot How good are you at wrapping presents? I'm a craft-nista, of course!
What type of wrapping paper is your favorite? The kind that's on sale!!!
Does your school do a food drive? I dunno I take distance learning online.
Have you ever been to Rockefeller Center to see the tree? YES.
What about Disney World? ive been there but not for Christmas.
Any cool family traditions? Chinese food on Christmas Eve!!!!
How many people do you buy presents for? The inner circle. I'm not working this year :(
Have you ever told a little kid Santa isn't real? No, that's mean!
Do you have any cute holiday outfits? Nope
Does your family get a picture taken and send it out in Christmas cards? No, that's for people w/ little kids.
What type of tree topper do you have? An African American Angel
On a scale of 1-10, how decorated is your house? like 2
Would anyone ever call you a grinch? No.
Do you and your friends do "Secret Santas?" Not this year.
Do you think Snowflake-Shaped Ritz Crackers taste better than regular ones? never had them
Do you go to Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve? nah.
What Christmas movie do you watch EVERY YEAR at Christmas Time? None on a regular yearly occurance.
Would you rather get one big gift or a lot of little gifts? Depends, lol
Whats the first thing you do after all your presents are opened? play with something.
Whats more fun: the days leading up to Christmas, or Christmas itself? Stress & I usually have finals Do you do any community service stuff around Christmas time? no but i totally should. <-- me too
Are you excited for Christmas this year? One hour left and the feeling is totally gone...............................
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