Today was a busy day. Went to the craft store to do my magnet project. Decorated the Christmas tree. Went shopping for the grandmas (couldn't find anything). I'm did see these really cute photo coasters at Micheals' so it looks like I'll be going back there tomorrow (already been there twice today). They are a cute idea and the grandmothers love pics.

I really wanted to post a blog about my magnets they came out really cute. I promise I will tomorrow. I'm out, Little People Big World is on and some kinda pumpkin launching tragedy is about to go down. Don't know why I'm watching I don't really like the show.(I have nothing against Little People!) I just don't like the father, something about him bugs me.
2 ♥Say Something♥:
a fantastic chic lit novel that may interst you.
The List (I'm a virgo thats what I do) available at AMazon and by Vicky Grovenor
enjoy x
Thanks I will definatley check it out and review. The description seems right up my Chic Lit alley!
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