It's skincare slackin' time!!! The mask du jour is by Cellnique Paramedical. I finally cracked open their Advanced Bio Renewal Masque....
This unparalleled scrub masque is formulated with bio-captured fresh fruit enzymes and acids complex. It works effectively in exfoliating dead cells, optimizing cellular renewal performance and deep pore cleansing, thus revealing a softer, fresher and healthier skin.
This is actually my second go around with this mask and I like it!! My skin glows afterward! I wish it was a bit more "scrubier". When I exfoilate I want to feel abused but thats a personal issue... I read some of their online reviews and some people mention feeling a tingling sensation. I don't feel that :(
My face glows immedialey and for like a day after this mask.
Doesn't make my skin feel dry or tight.
Packaging, I'm a sucker for packaging. As a marketing person I should know better but it looks so fancy sitting on my bathroom counter. It says "this is the bathroom of a fancy chick"... I couldn't get a nice shot with the top on the jar. It's silver and shiny and my reflection kept getting in the picture.
The scent, its weird... It smells like teriaki and duck sauce and fruit. That's the best way I can describe it. I've had it for a while but I never opened it or broke the seal so it hope it's not bad or anything. Some people say it smells like pineapple. I'm going to have to sniff a pineapple maybe my sense of smell is off.
Price, it retails for $55.00USD my skin is priceless but I don't know if this is something that I would be able to purchase again. There's a lot in the jar and a little goes a long way...
Overall Rating ~ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥/5 I really like this mask and I'm committing myself it it weekly. :) I'm also using 2 other products from their line and I'm liking the way my skin is looking and feeling...
Luv Y'all,
Mean It!!!

P.S. I'm sorry that I haven't been posting on a regularly. I have a new schedule and I'm still adjusting :)
*FTC Disclosure [The product(s) mentioned in this review were sent to me complementary to be reviewed. I was not paid to write this review. It's actually a really late review b/c I moved and forgot I had it.]
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