So lets discuss the differences between Single & Double Drawn Hair and hopefully this post will help :)
Double Drawn ~The hair is cut from the root and mid back so that each hair is the same length for a thicker fuller weft. Most all the hairs are the same length. Shorter hair strands removed, so all of the hair strands are very close to the same length. It is also slightly heavier than single drawn hair.
Single Drawn ~ The hair is cut usually starting at mid back across the top only, leaving the ends in their natural state. You will find shorter lengths throughout the hair because it is the hair at the end of the donors hair.
I hope this helped and answered your question. If you have a question for me you can leave a comment in the comment box, Facebook, Email , or Tweet me. I don't mind at all. If you would like to be anonymous just let me know and I won't post your name, Blogger Name, twitter etc.
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