I had the honor to attend an awesome event that took place at the W Hotel in Buckhead Atlanta last Tuesday. The event was hosted by The Root and sponsored by Target, called "The Beauty of Success".
The Root hosted a panel, moderated by Jacque Reid journalist and on-air personality, Beverly Bond, founder of BET’s Black Girls Rock, Terri Vaughn, actress; Meet the Browns, The Steve Harvey Show, and a host of other television shows and movie roles. Tracey Ferguson, editor in chief of Jones Magazine; Donna Byrd, publisher of The Root. Tamara "Taj" Johnson-George, SWV singer and author.(Cheryl Gamble "CoCo" and Leanne Lyons "Lelee from SWV , also participated in the panel).
The evening was a celebration of prominent, young and female women, the panel dicussed topics such as "What are the secrets to developing both inner and outer beauty?" "What challenges do successful black women face as they shape their careers and images?" "How does one find a mentor or become one? " "What must we do to increase the ranks of the young, fabulous and female within our community?" The panel also opened the floor to audience questions as well.
I was invited as "Media" and Idid my best to be a good "journalist"... I took pages of notes and tons of pictures and tweeted live along with the event (#youngfabandfemale). I almost didn't attend the event. When I recived the press release and invitation to attend as "press/media", I thought that I was being punked or that the PR Company contacted the wrong blogger... I mean I'm "Just A Girl". Will I fit in with these people? Am I pretty enough? Will I wear the right clothes, shoes?
I forced myself to go, something in my head said "if you don't go you will regret it", so I called my bestie and she said that she go with me. I took my defeatist attitude and looked in the mirror and said I deserve to go, I deserve this opportunity. Being a professional job hunter really takes a toll on yourself esteem. I find myself feeling like I don't deserve to do anything or go anywhere because I don't have a full-time job. I dropped my attitude, found a cocktail dress in my closet slapped my Spanxx on at went..
[caption id="attachment_615" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="Salomon, Clemons, George, Lyons, Bond, Ferguson, Vaughn, Reid (Photo Credit:Jason Chunn)"]

I'm so glad that I went. I can sit here a type up dialouge of the entire event it's all in my notebook.. Instead I want to share some quotes and words that stuck with me and hopefully while reading them some may resonate or strike emotions within you..
"Inner beauty is what makes you fabulous".
"Self-esteem is a work in progress, water it and watch it grow."
"A man with a dream & no plan is a man with a wish".
"Learn to deal with the no's".
"When you pray ask God to make it OBVIOUS."
"When you see someone doing something you like, support it".
"Man's rejection is God's protection".
"You don't need to be in charge of something to make a difference".
"Remain humble and remember where you started".
"When we are all propelling each other, we all rise to the top."
Here are some photos from the event; click to enlarge.
[gallery link="file"]
I ran into Ms. Bombchell there! She reminds me how short I am. She's like Kimora Lee tall and I'm Snooki short >_<
The second best part of the evening were the gift bags!!! The bags were so cute, I would of been more than happy with just the bag.
Each gift bag had inside a $25 Target Gift Card, a really nice black Target Notebook, Target Pen (and it's a good pen, I'm a weirdo when it comes to pens and this one is a keeper), & a full sized tub of Miss Jessie's Curly Pudding.
Ignore my Press/Media Pass... I'm obsessed with it for some reason. I hung it on my fridge. It's kinda inspirating and looking at it reminds me to stay focused on my goals.
*A short video clip I took of Terri Vaughn telling us what makes her fabulous.
What makes you fabulous? Leave a comment and tell me :)
4 ♥Say Something♥:
lol love u Snooks.
Love you too Kimora!
ps: my eye needs to heal
Your eye looked fine. Maybe I didn't notice because I'm so short. hahahha
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