The office also does a lot of cosmetic procedures....Like Pelleve which is a heat wrinkle reducing method system.Spider Veins and vein stuff. Cyro Lippo which is a noninvasive liposuction system which
destroys fat cells that the body. (I want that!) Blepharoplasty Eyelid Surgery, Acne Scaring Removal, and of course Botox, Dysport, Electrolysis, Facial Fillers, Fraxel, Tattoo Removal, Hair Removal, Laser Skin Resurfacing, Latisse (I want to try it!!! I think I get a discount). I've spied some nurses and medical assistants walking around batting their luscious lashes.
I have a lack of clothes..... I think I've worn all my business casual outfits that I own this week.... I'm going to have to step up my mix & matching game and get a few outfits. I can't get crazy because I have to save my money for my apartment :) because for some reason it doesn't come with STUFF!!! lol!!!!! I also will have no furniture >_<.
So much to do, so little time.........
Love Y'all!!!
Mean It!

3 ♥Say Something♥:
guess its time for mix and match, and budget shopping. or switching (aka girls get together and swap clothes/ stuff they no longer want)
Glad everything is working out at the new job. Congrats! Wooo!
Congrads on your new job! Gosh, I need a job soon; it's been a while. Must be nice to get discount to get beautified! :)
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