I went to see Avatar last night.... I fell asleep and missed the middle of the movie. I had a box of Whoppers and I dropped them while I was sleep.... I have the attention span of a 5 year old... I recall falling asleep during Titanic too....Oh the Whoppers that didn't fall got all metly between my thunder thighs.........
I'm still looking for a job!!!! I'm wondering is it me? Does my resume look like do-doo??
I'm taking beginner pole dance classes at Dance 411 Studios!!!! I could barely walk the next day and had a bit of pole burn between the thighs....Click here for more info on their Pole & other Sensual Classes
I've been rocking a neutral eye for the past few weeks. I'm to depressed to play with color.... I pulled a random smokey blue out of the archives for y'all...
Product Review!!!
Clinque's Even Better™ Skin Tone Corrector
~Instructions~The Claim - Clinique guiding dermatologist Dr. Orentreich says, "When skin is more even-toned, you look younger." So here's your second chance. To virtually undo the visible evidence of sun damage, dark patches, skin stresses, age spots, even the darkening that follows acne scarring. Gently create-for all ethnicities-brightness and clarity you thought long gone.
Apply twice daily on face, chest, hands, after using 3-Step Skin Care System. <- I don't use that..
See results in about 4 to 6 weeks.One caution: daily sunscreen's a must.
We suggest one of our City Block formulas.<- My moisturizer has SPF...
Review: I usually forget to use this stuff twice a day... I think it may be working, even though I use it pretty much once a day. I have some "drastic unevenness" around my nose and upper lip...Two chicken pox scars on my forehead.... I also have two scars on my face from a nickel reaction from an old cell phone. Thank GOD phones aren't as metallic anymore.... I didn't take a before pic b/c I'm irresponsible but I did start using the product on Jan. 4th (made a little note in my BB). I think I'm seeing some changes then again. It could be a 'placebo' effect.... The arrows indicate the uneven spots that make me crazy...
Don't I look like soooo happy, lol....
Ms. Kendall rates this product ♥♥ 1/2 out of 5 ♥♥♥♥♥
Luv Y'all!!
Mean It!!
6 ♥Say Something♥:
Keep us updated on the tone corrector! :)
And I'm loving the blues on you!! So sexy! To answer your ? from my other post.. I used MAC Brown Down then blended out with MAC AMber LIghts over it. :)
Don't worry woman.. I'm still trying to find another job too! I've been on interviews but never got the jobbie job! SO maybe it's ME and not my resume! LOL! GL on your end though! :)
you look gorgeous! I've watched Avatar too and your look really stands out :) Welcome back !
I was just at the store looking for something to even my complexion out. I will have to try this stuff.
I have not seen Avatar yet, but I think I would fall asleep too!!
Good Luck with the job hunt, its really hard these days.
I can't believe you fell asleep during Avatar! Were you tired or just bored? Lol
Love the pics & review. And I've fallen asleep before during a movie.. If I'm tired at night, then I'm tired.. HAHA. I try to stay up, but what can I do? HAHAHA. And wow, I've wanted to try a pole dance class. I've tried a striptease class, and it was fun.
OMG first of all I LOVE the new lay out! Adorable!
Also, I'm thinking of getting this tone corrector for my acne scars. They are just KILLING me!
P.S. Shake what ya mamma gave ya!
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