I have soo many shadows pigments etc.... Again I couldn't go crazy so I only brought my Urban Decay Ammo Palette, The Balm Shady Lady Palette, Coastal Scents 120 palette, and I made a MAC x15 "All Star Palette, brought a few pairs of lashes, glue, tweezers, mascara etc...
Well Delta has gotten cheap and they charge $15 to check a bag.... Ms. Kendall's bag was 2lbs over the Delta limit so I had to open my suitcase all up on the curb at LGA and figure out what to take out.... My marketing textbook was 2lbs so I thew it in my backpack (yeah had to bring my books)... I manged to 30z travel size every product that I needed to survive for a week... I invested a lot in those little bottles and tubs.....

THURSDAY 7.16.09 @ 12:33pm
Landed at ATL Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport after a lovely Xanax self induced coma I don't fly without being druged because I freak out, once I find my gate, I start pill poppin' because everyone starts to look shady to me.... After me and my momma got our bags we took the shuttle to pick up our rental car from National. Umm when you request Economy they don't play... The car we got had NO features like no power anything.... I am to irresponsible to have a car that doesnt lock with the press of a button..I'm also not a fan of cranking the window open with my arm.. I'm also glad I remembered to pack my GPS so I didn't have to rent one from the car rental place.

FRIDAY 07.17.09- Going to the country.....
Since I was shacking up with my momma she got my nocturnal behind up at some ungodly hour like 11am or something and we got dressed and grabbed my Aunt Jean and my cousin Justin and got ready for a road trip to McDonough, GA to visit Uncle (my g'mas little brother I call him Uncle but his name is Lawrence and his wife is Aunt Irene) They moved down about 3yrs ago. First we had to eat breakfast so where did we eat WAFFLE HOUSE!!! Since my mom was on a restricted diet they were kind enough to boil her an egg she'd been surviving on crackers and I think if the poor woman ate another cracker then she's rip her hair out!
After "sitting a spell" at Uncles. My cousin aka Black Cowboy James wanted to take me, my, mom and his sons who live in NY into the country to see his horses.
After "sitting a spell" at Uncles. My cousin aka Black Cowboy James wanted to take me, my, mom and his sons who live in NY into the country to see his horses.
It was real country where he took us. The kinda country where a I saw some kinda homemade house with a tin roof and a HUGE CONFEDERATE FLAG!!! The kinda of country where my momma stays "drive right or the Klans people are gonna get you".....
It was really nice out there but not someplace I can stay for to long. So we headed back to the hotel to nap and then get ready for the Friday Night Fish Fry... I'm a hungry greedy beotch and I totally forget to take food porn.... I was really excited to see my cousin Krissy!!! It's the first time that I've got to see her since she got back from Korea!!! They had soo much food!!! Two kinds of fried fish, hot dogs, fries, baked beans, Key Lime Cake, Peach Cobbler, Red Velvet Cake, regular Vanilla cake and sweet tea in like a bucket. My poor sick mama couldn't enjoy the food, she had to take the fried part off the fish and try to eat it that wway :(

After the fish fry I hit up Ms. Jaimie and she was at Hooters and since I've never been I drove up to Duluth to meet Ms. Thang and her friend Keanna (not pictured I don't know why :(. Jaimie is soo nice!!! Her and Keanna just accepted me into their little twosome world and now we ace boon coons!!!! I was kinda dissappointed bc Jaimie doesn't have a southern twang >_< style="text-align: center;">

Saturday 07.18.09- Touristy Stuff & Family Reuion
So when you in a new city you have to do touristy stuff!!! It's a rule that I made up. I want to soak up the culture!!! I want to see the sights!!!! So again I woke up crazy early on Saturday morning like 10am and me and my momma headed to Downtown, ATL.... My family pretty much did the same stuff on a bus tour but since my mommy was sick we didn't want to go on the bus in case she ummm needed a bano real quick.
We went to Underground Atlanta which is like a mall tourist place with restaurants and some clubs, it wasn't to interesting. I thought it was like a stop on the underground railroad, my mother gave me the side eye..... I'm sorry but if were in the south and you say were going to a tourist spot called UNDERGROUND ATL wouldn't you think that it had to do with slaves road to freedom?? I didn't take any pictures inside because its like a mall.......
We stopped by this park with fountains but your not allowed to stop and take pics.... Mrs. Officer told me to keep it moving and I got stank..... The new nice sweet southern Kendall got all New Yawk and told Mrs. Officier that she should be happy that I'm visiting her city and stimulating ATL's ecomony in such a bad market..... So I cranked up my window and kept driving......
We hit up some HBCU's (Historically Black Colleges & Universites), which I now regret not going too... I just applied because my mom made me... I went to white private schools since I was 2 1/2 yrs old. The idea of going to a predomadetnly black school didn't sit well with me when I was 17....
Here's little Wiki info :There are 105 historically black colleges (HBCU) in the US today, including public and private, two-year and four-year institutions, medical schools and community colleges.Great Depression and financial difficulties.The Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, defines an HBCU as: "...any historically black college or university that was established prior to 1964, whose principal mission was, and is, the education of black Americans, and that is accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting agency or association determined by the Secretary [of Education] to be a reliable authority as to the quality of training offered or is, according to such an agency or association, making reasonable progress toward accreditation."Most HBCU's were established after the American Civil War. Lincoln University (Pennsylvania), established in 1854, and Wilberforce University, established in 1856, were two prominent institutions of higher education established for blacks prior to the American Civil War. Other educational institutions currently have large numbers of blacks in their student body, but as they were founded (or opened their doors to African Americans) after the implementation of the Brown v. Board of Education ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court (the court decision which outlawed racial segregation of public education facilities) and the Higher Education Act of 1965, they are not historically black colleges, but have been termed "predominantly black." Some historically black colleges now have non-black majorities, notably West Virginia State University, whose student body has been roughly 90 percent white since the mid-1960s.
White kids go to them too! My mom's roomate Sally was the only white girl in their freshman class at Hampton Insitute in Virginia and they are still close today...
We had to stop by and shout out Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. & his wifey's tomb. Since he had a dream and all.......
The house MLK grew up in....
Shot Gun Houses across the street from MLK's house.
Back in the day the upper middle class and the lower class lived on the same street, just had different houses.....
His church....
Me & My Baby Daddy- 'anit he fine y'all.....
Here's little Wiki info :There are 105 historically black colleges (HBCU) in the US today, including public and private, two-year and four-year institutions, medical schools and community colleges.Great Depression and financial difficulties.The Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended, defines an HBCU as: "...any historically black college or university that was established prior to 1964, whose principal mission was, and is, the education of black Americans, and that is accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting agency or association determined by the Secretary [of Education] to be a reliable authority as to the quality of training offered or is, according to such an agency or association, making reasonable progress toward accreditation."Most HBCU's were established after the American Civil War. Lincoln University (Pennsylvania), established in 1854, and Wilberforce University, established in 1856, were two prominent institutions of higher education established for blacks prior to the American Civil War. Other educational institutions currently have large numbers of blacks in their student body, but as they were founded (or opened their doors to African Americans) after the implementation of the Brown v. Board of Education ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court (the court decision which outlawed racial segregation of public education facilities) and the Higher Education Act of 1965, they are not historically black colleges, but have been termed "predominantly black." Some historically black colleges now have non-black majorities, notably West Virginia State University, whose student body has been roughly 90 percent white since the mid-1960s.
White kids go to them too! My mom's roomate Sally was the only white girl in their freshman class at Hampton Insitute in Virginia and they are still close today...
We had to stop by and shout out Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. & his wifey's tomb. Since he had a dream and all.......
Back in the day the upper middle class and the lower class lived on the same street, just had different houses.....
No I'm just playing I tried to take "funnier" pics but my mom said I was being inappropiate..... That's not my baby daddy, its the Behold Monument a 12-foot tall, stylized bronze statue of Kunte Kinte was made famous in Alex Haley's epic "Roots." The Behold Monument is part of the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site. Sculptor Patrick Morelli based his work on the ancient African ritual of holding a newborn up to the skies and declaring, "Behold, the only thing bigger than yourself." Watch ROOTS people!!!! Learn something it's like 15hrs long so you'll have to watch it over a two week period especially if you have ADD like me......
So after galavanting around Downtown ATL, we headed back to the hotel to nap and get ready for the banquet. I wanted to flat iron my hair but I chose to nap..................
To be continued............
So after galavanting around Downtown ATL, we headed back to the hotel to nap and get ready for the banquet. I wanted to flat iron my hair but I chose to nap..................
To be continued............
07.18.09 - Saturday Family Banquet & Clubbin' with my cousins...
9 ♥Say Something♥:
Looks like you had a fab trip. The pics remind me so much of our girlie trip to ATL in Aug/Sept 07
LMAO @ the the tin house and driving on the right side or "the klans people will get you".
We found The Underground pretty boring too. We had more fun chattin to the guys selling mix CDs outside! LOL
I kept forgetting to take ID out with me when we'd go out clubbing every night(you don't need to bother with that here in England - if you look old enough, you're cool!) and had to sweet talk the bouncers accent worked a charm! LOL
God to have you back - I've missed your posts popping up in my feed x
Looks like you had a great time! I'm getting used to packing after all the traveling I did last year!! I retired my LL Bean backpack recently as well (which I had from 8th grade too! LOL) since the zipper practically fell apart... in the plane of all places!
Looks like you had fun!!
LMAO @ YOU THOUGH! hahah No ho pictures.
LMAOOOOO baby daddy, haahaa he's super fine hun, congrats :P
Man I want some wafffles..those look good! I haven't had any in ages..about to go to Denny's tomorrow hahaha
<3 u
Dang girl you got organized with the packing!! Sweet!! I always overpack! LOL! Haha!! Popping the pills, cuz you got shady peeps!! LOL!!
What?! No power in the car?! When we went to Napa we rented economy, and it was all powered up!! We bought are own GPS too! :)
The hotel looks nice! And DAAAANG..... I want a Waffle House!!! Wow true Hookas huh?! Dang... and why are driving yourself into a GHETTO?!
Ohhh horsies!! I love horsies!!! Awwww.... That's soo cool that they live on a ranch! Awwww Salsa!!! Soo cute!!! Haha!! Horse SHIT!! LOL!! Haha the horsie rolls around like a doggie! LOL!
Haha!! Underground! O_o Glad you got to see your cousin!! I remember you talking about her before! :)
Haha Baby Daddy!!!
hey girl!! thanks for the email!!! I have been trying out new blog templates and i hate them all lol..but i was supposed to be moving to ATL in august but i cant go knowing I wont have a job..where are you going to be living?
Hey mama....thx for the love!
Yup we can definitely do that....mine is Hit me up anytime!!!!
Hey girl!! I just LOVE your are TOO funny!!--And your MU talent is to die for! I def. live 5 minutes from that hooters, could've been a southern girl pow wow! :)
Looks great! Love the fountain that springs from the ground!.. the pics are great!
I can not believe you can be bothered to label your mac palette!!! lol.. i wish i could do it.. but im so bad at computers and printing!
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